My account: I don't have smart meters but am not receiving any bills estimated or otherwise despite entering meter readings. I last entered a meter reading 21st Feb and received an email to say I would receive an up to date bill in 48 hours. Two weeks later still waiting.
91 year old relative: Has got smart meters. Only the electricity meter has been connected to and she is getting monthly bills for this. The Gas meter is still apparently connected to Bulb and last year I was told there were problems connecting to it. I eventually managed to get one Gas bill which was estimated despite me sending the actual meter reading but when I asked how they were getting on with connecting to the Gas smart meter, I was asked whether I wanted to report a faulty meter!
95 year old relative: Again has connected to the Electricity smart meter but is not receiving electricity bills. Has not connected to the Gas smart meter and also, although sending an email to say that the start Gas meter reading was agreed and having received the final bill from Bulb, Eon now say the start meter reading is disputed and have not charged for Gas from 2nd October to 16th November.
I can see from other posts that not connecting to the Gas smart meter is a recurring theme. Why don't Eon admit that they have a generic problem with this?