App Version 2 - WE NEED YOU!

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  • BethS_EONNext's Avatar
    Hey everyone, I hope you're okay!

    The news you've been waiting for is finally here! We're looking for 10 E.ON Next customers to help with the design of our much anticipated E.ON Next app!

    There's a few things we need from you though!

    • We need Android and iOS users - either is fine, a mix would be great!
    • It kind of goes without saying, but you need to have a mobile device! :)
    • We'd need you to have a 20-30 minute phone call with our Design Team to run through the designs and let us know what you think about them.
    • Ideally you'd be happy for us to record the session, so we can get the most from your feedback and don't miss any of it!
    • Testing times would be arranged to suit you, but we're looking to complete the testing this week and next - Thursday & Friday (20th & 21st May) and Monday & Tuesday (24th & 25th May)

    If this sounds up your street, please send me a private message with your account number, phone number & email address so we can pass this on to our Design Team for the next steps!

    Can't wait to hear from you!

    Beth :)
  • 28 Replies

  • Richtea78's Avatar
    Level 5
    You said this was due for release in June and you’re still at the design stage? There’s no way you’re going to release this in June!

    What an absolute joke!
  • BethS_EONNext's Avatar
    @Richtea78 Morning! It’s the consumption tracker for the online account that’s due for release in June ☺️
  • Richtea78's Avatar
    Level 5
    So when can we expect an App then? This year? If you’re still at a design stage it’s at least 3 months away. You’re not being very honest with timelines here.

    I can save you a lot of testing, get the NPower app, make that work with those stupid smiling face branding and you’re 99% there.

  • Hatwildeman_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Owner
    Hi @richtea78 the way we're doing it is that we can check how the design works for users and then quickly act on the feedback where needed. It's very much in development.
    The consumption tracker will also be available for online accounts, not just the app.
  • Richtea78's Avatar
    Level 5
    No one has sufficiently explained why you didn’t develop the apps before you moved everyone over to a half working service?

    are you going to offer discounts for the half working service? I notice you managed to get the email demand for monthly readings working!

    this whole thing stinks of a desperate money grab because you know you have a captive market
  • Silverfox's Avatar
    Level 3
    No one has sufficiently explained why you didn’t develop the apps before you moved everyone over to a half working service?

    are you going to offer discounts for the half working service? I notice you managed to get the email demand for monthly readings working!

    this whole thing stinks of a desperate money grab because you know you have a captive market

    I agree 110% with your concerns about EonNext.
  • Richtea78's Avatar
    Level 5
    If you want a working app, transfer to Octopus. Their app is working. It makes it even more laughable that Eon still don’t have an app nearly 3 months later. You could just buy the Octopus app and reskin the Octopus logo with the stupid sun things you slap on it. How does it need development? Do you even have an IT department or did they all work for NPower?
  • Silverfox's Avatar
    Level 3
    @Richtea78 One aspect of the stupid state that EonNext find themselves in is that you post was allowed when you had moved to Octopus.
    Leaving that aside I would not download an app without it going through Apples app store approval.
    And that seems highly unlikely to happen.
    Good luck with Octopus my friend.

  • BethS_EONNext's Avatar
    @Richtea78 One aspect of the stupid state that EonNext find themselves in is that you post was allowed when you had moved to Octopus.
    Leaving that aside I would not download an app without it going through Apples app store approval.
    And that seems highly unlikely to happen.
    Good luck with Octopus my friend.


    Morning @Silverfox

    As I've explained to @Richtea78 on an earlier thread this morning, as long as your post doesn't violate our community guidelines (which can be found here) we have no reason to stop genuine member posts from coming through, even if the content does make us sad and speaks of leaving us. 😓 In denying other posters' comments on our competitors without good reason further fuels the concern of other Community Family members that we're using our position to censor people and their opinions for our own benefit. That's not the environment we want to create as we welcome friendly & constructive debates, as well as other people's opinions and experiences 😊

    If you're not enjoying your experience with E.ON Next, we want to work with you to find out why and where we can, we want to improve on that going forward, but not every piece of feedback & recommendations we receive are things that can be done at the flick of a switch, we have to go through approval & testing processes sometimes which can take some time. That doesn't mean we aren't listening though, we're working hard to improve and take feedback on board.

    I hope this puts your mind at ease

    Have a great day! 🌞

    Beth 😊