Ah, the old red mite is bane of a chicken keepers life. We got chickens again this year after a couple of chicken-free (no pets) houses. This place was an old smallholding so I managed to sort out runs OK, but we didn't have a coop. Herself found a second hand one on Facebook marketplace and it turned out to be two houses away. I duly legged it up the road and carried it home, and within minutes I was itching all over. Heaving with the little blighters.
Managed to sort it over the week before we got the girls. Gallons of Poultry shield, Jeyes fluid and a lot of hosing. Since we got the laydees in September, no problems.
Dilys, the speckledy, laid a massive double-yolker today which must have made her eyes water. Scrambled on a bit of toast with a slug of Worcestershire sauce...that made a cracking lunch.
Clover looks like a proper bunny. Love it.
Last edited by retrotecchie; 30-10-22 at 16:55.
Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
@retrotecchie Oh they really do make your skin crawl. The dog then had them on him, which brought them into the house. 😫
I don't use chemicals in my garden at all but I found that 'the pink stuff' all purpose cleaner was AMAZING at killing the mites that remained and is 100% natural ingredients too!
We've both been bugging Daddy (you humans call him @retrotecchie, for some strange reason best known to you) to write you a little note just to say thank you very much for the lovely box of toys you very kindly sent to him for us.
We love the tuggy ropes and the treat ball but haven't had a chance to play Frisbee yet because the old duffer says it's far too cold outside today.
Sending big wet licks and muddy paw-prints to you all.
Awww bless them you are very welcome! @retrotecchie. I'm so pleased that Jarvis and Joe are a happy bunch!🐶 You are right it was a bit nippy our end today as well! Can't wait to see some pics when you do get a chance! 😊
Last edited by Anasa_EONNext; 01-12-22 at 16:50.
'The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members’
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Remember our little DM chat only this morning where we were talking about 'freeloading' chickens?
Well would you Adam and Eve it....I just went out to get the two eggs from the productive birds, only to find that Gladys The Freeloader has pulled off a miracle and actually laid her first egg.
Bronwen the Leghorn always produces a White egg, Dilys the Speckledy a brown egg, but Gladys.....a green one!
Early days yet, so only a diddy 'pullet egg', but cause for some celebration here at Ty Retrotecchie today.
Skyline, so she has Cream Legbar (Easter Egger) in her genetics. It's not easy to tell from the photo as it was taken in winter light through the kitchen window, but it's a greenish-blue. Sort of 'duck egg' Green.
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