• janB's Avatar
    Level 1
    hi. this is my first post so I hope it works. My renewal e mail shows a very high KWH figure for the past year, so I want to know where I can get the correct figure from. I send correct meter readings each month and at the end of this month I am 291 in credit!Thank you JanB
  • 2 Replies

  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Hey @janB,

    If that's the case then it's possible your Estimated Annual Consumption figures might be a bit out of line with your actual use. This can of course be corrected if you contact customer service, but it's also worth noting that you won't pay for any energy you don't actually end up using. If you ultimately use less than what's predicted in your EAC figures, your actual bills will drop along with the Direct Debit payments eventually dropping as well. If you get the EAC adjusted manually, you can regenerate the quotes to get more accurate results.

    Hope this helps.
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  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    You need to look at your past bills and compare them to the current latest bill. If you can get a bill from 12 months ago its more accurate, as consumption in the winter is often higher than in the summer.

    Electricity is easy - the readings are in kWh and by subtracting one from the other you get the consumption in that period.

    Gas is different as its measured in volume and the figures have to be converted. If the meter reads in hundreds of cu feet my rule of thumb is to multiply by 31 to get a close approximation of kWh. If the meter reads in cu metres multiply by 10.55.