Wrong meter reading

  • muzojones's Avatar
    Level 1
    On the swap over from Symbio to Eon, I made a mistake on my final meter read. Symbio cant change it as any alteration has to come from Eon. On emailing Eon and explaining the situation with photos of the meter and history of meter reads from Symbio, they say the figures have been 'verified', whatever that means?

    I have an old meter showing day and night readings (old economy7). However I have no night supply and the night figure has stayed constant throughout my time with Symbio (11 months).
    This shows on all previous bills from Symbio. The nightime reading I gave Eon. was 2228 and it should have been 1806. The photo of the meter I sent Eon clearly shows the 1806 figure and this is impossible to change as there is no night supply, My wife and I are still debating how I made the mistaken submission!

    Eon appear unwilling to rectify the inaccurate figure, which means I have to pay for electricity which was unavailable.
    It also brings up the anomaly of having a tariff with Eon which is Eco7, because the automatic swapover from Symbio to Eon mirrored the previous tariff thus compounding the mistake.

    Should I just get the meter changed to show only single daytime tariff? It seems a bit of a faff when all it takes is to check the paperwork or send a meter reader.
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  • Best Answer

    DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Best Answer
    Hey @muzojones,

    Deb here. I'm hoping this has now been resolved for you however if you're still having trouble please get in touch with our energy specialists you can find our contact details here 😊

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