IHD only shows gas data

  • alanb12's Avatar
    Level 1
    I have had a smart meter for around 9 months but after a few months it stopped showing any information from the electricity meter. I have contacted Eon every month since in an attempt to get the issue resolved. They simply do not seem interested and I get fobbed off every time, hence I am posting here through utter frustration in the hope that someone can offer any helpful advice. I have tried all the usual basic fixes such as resetting the IHD, moving it closer to the hub etc, all to no avail.The LEDs on the Comms hub are showing no errors, i.e. they all flash once at 5 second intervals. The meter is an EDMI ES-10B. The IHD is a SMETS2 Chameleon. It displays the gas meter data without any issues but if I select the "Now" button or the fuel selection button it just beeps at me and fails change the display. Any advice would be very welcome. Thank you.
  • 10 Replies

  • Beki's Avatar
    @alanb12 Hi there, Beki here! 👋
    I have had a little look into your account and I can see someone has raised a ticket with the DCC about your smart meter not sending readings.
    I have also noticed that your meters don't have a billing or reading schedule set up so I have gone ahead and done this now.
    I am hoping that this will resolve your query but I won't know for certain until 14th Feb (next billing cycle, in line with your gas one).

    I have popped a reminder on your account to check on the 14th Feb and we shall go from there. 😎
  • alanb12's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi Beki,

    Whilst I wait for the changes to take effect on 14th Feb perhaps you can provide more information on what is causing the issue where the IHD displays only gas meter data and no electricity data, and what is being done about it. It appears to be a very common problem but nothing appears to be forthcoming to fix it. Ovo Energy have been gathering a list of customers with this issue for a couple of years and are progressing through the list and either fixing the problem remotely or sending out new IHDs.

    In their forum they state:

    "Pairing and unpairing the SMETS2 Chameleon IHD3 and IHD6s
    Our Support team will need to work with you to get your device paired or unpaired from your meters. Contact the team when your device arrives and they will complete some remote processes on your meter and talk you through the steps to follow on your device."

    Why are E.On not doing this?

    Thank you.
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Hi @alanb12,

    As it so happens, my friend Blastoise186 is a forum volunteer on the OVO Forum. He would help out on this one as well, but time constraints means he can't be here and has asked me to help out on this forum on his behalf.

    All suppliers should be helping you out with pairing and unpairing IHDs on request, since there's no way for you to do it all by yourself. I'm a bit surprised if you're coming across issues with this!
    Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
    Pete is an IHD Tariff Update Robot! 🤖 Anasa is a Giant Enemy Robot Spider 🕷 🤖 Hannah is neither! Need Customer service? click here! Replacement IHD Guide? Here it is!
  • Beki's Avatar
    @alanb12 This is definitely something that we do and we do it on a case by case basis, working with a customer from start to finish to get their meters and IHDs up and running. No lists here! 🙌

    I've had to reprocess something for your IHD, the gas is okay, but the electric is being a pain!
  • alanb12's Avatar
    Level 1
    @Beki_EONNext Hi Beki,

    I have just received my latest bill and it still only covers the gas. No electricity bill despite me manually recording both meter readings when you asked me to. I'm sorry to say it but this is verging on sheer incompetence now.

    Further, in your previous reply you said E.on work with the customer from start to finish to get the meters and ihd up and running. I am seeing no evidence of this other than the odd comment from you - which I do appreciate.

    Please advise what happens next.
  • alanb12's Avatar
    Level 1
    @theunknowntech At the moment nothing surprises me. An electricity supplier that can bill you for the gas you use but not the electricity is the biggest surprise - and no doubt embarrassing for them.

    I only agreed to have the smart meters installed because it was a condition they imposed to get the fixed tariff. I wish I hadn't bothered!
  • Beki's Avatar
    @alanb12 Hey there, sorry that it didn't work this time around, I thought I solved the problem but obviously not. I noted on your account that someone had raised a ticket with the DCC to get your meter connectivity looked into as the issue seems to be coming from their end, not ours. I have chased up the status of this. I have got a reminder on your account to keep checking for a response. I do apologise that my smart meter skills haven't worked this time.
  • alanb12's Avatar
    Level 1
    @alanb12 Hey there, sorry that it didn't work this time around, I thought I solved the problem but obviously not. I noted on your account that someone had raised a ticket with the DCC to get your meter connectivity looked into as the issue seems to be coming from their end, not ours. I have chased up the status of this. I have got a reminder on your account to keep checking for a response. I do apologise that my smart meter skills haven't worked this time.

    Hi Beki, any update on this? It's been another 2 weeks and I've still heard nothing from EON. Just an indication of what's happening at the DCC, where am I in their queue, what is the problem with connectivity with the meter? Anything would be nice instead of this ongoing silence.