Gas meter check

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  • silverfox55's Avatar
    Level 1
    OK, so this new eon next is an untested farce.

    As your new fangled system in incapable of reading smart meters, we have to do the job for you. So after following the instructions supplied I checked the gas meter (smart)

    today is at 071254. On the 1st December was 05944.
    How on earth Have 2 people used that amount of gas ???????? in 6 weeks.

    Can somebody please sort this utter mess out. Oh and apparently according to our account a meter reader has been to our house to read the electric. I know they have not.....

    As my first question was deleted and my wife was ignored on face book so lets try again. I have no idea how to use twitter and facebook ignores my wife so all we are left with is here Emails take 2 or 3 weeks to answer and we do not have the time to sit on a phone for hours listening to ??????

    Why was eonnext launched when if it cannot read eon smart meters ???

    1st December gas reading was 05944
    Todays reading on smart ?? meter and house meter thingy was 071254. Yes I did read and follow your instructioins but the ??smart?? meter decided it knew best.

    How on earth can two people use that much gas in 6 weeks ?? 1181 is my calculation.
    Probably to line the directors wallets !!!!

    On top of the extra money they earn when we pay our bills. Eon the DD showed on the day we paid it. eonnext takes min 4 days. So the directors have our money for 4 days to play with before it is added to our account.

    Is ther any way the dodgy gas meter can be sorted or have we been robbed ?
    Last edited by Beki; 24-01-22 at 16:46.
  • 12 Replies

  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Wow, that's an awful lot of gas usage... Perhaps too much... I calculate that as being 65,310 units, presumably kWh? Breaking that down, that's an average of 1,555 units per day which seems rather... Excessive... Are you on a U16 gas meter by any chance?

    I'm pretty confused here myself and I'm usually pretty good at puzzle solving. Would you be OK with doing a Burns Test, as this would help to identify any meter faults?

    Here's what you'll need to do:

    Here's how to do a Burns Test. This is a quick test and only takes a few minutes, but you need to be able to get to all your gas appliances and your gas meter to do this one. Here's what to do.

    1. Turn off ALL gas appliances, the boiler and everything else that uses gas on your supply
    2. Wait for around 30 minutes to let things calm down and for the gas meter to completely catch up
    3. Check your gas meter reading and make a note of it
    4. Turn on just one gas appliance - a single ring on your gas cooker is usually the best option
    5. Monitor the readings on your gas meter for five to ten minutes. You must do this on the meter itself. Make notes of the current reading every 60 seconds during the test
    6. Shut off the gas appliance you fired up
    7. Check the gas meter reading again
    8. Restore your gas appliances to normal service once you're done

    The reading should only go up by a few units during the test. If it seems to be clocking up excessively quickly, this suggests there might be a fault. A Burns Test isn't perfect, but you'll be surprised how well it works. If you suspect an inaccurate or faulty meter after doing this, you'll want to call for help and request a Meter Accuracy Test (it's an OFMAT for a gas meter). These are not free and you'll be asked to pay the job fee upfront (usually around £160 or so).

    If the test confirms the meter is faulty, you will get the fee refunded, the meter will be replaced and you should get refunded for any usage that you didn't actually use if the meter clocked too fast. Recalculations don't occur if the clocking was too slow. While electric meters are only replaced if they fail the MAT, gas meters are usually replaced anyway as part of an OFMAT process. Be advised that over 80% of OFMAT tests come back with no fault and you'll sacrifice the fee in those cases.
    Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
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  • silverfox55's Avatar
    Level 1
    What is a U16 meter ??
    So basically we are screwed !! if we don't pay out £160 we have to pay for an uncredible amount of gas, which if I read you correctly will cost hundreds of thousands of pounds or throw £160 away

    who or what are OFMAT.

    and which idiot invented acronyms to confuse or p!!s people off even more.
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    A U16 gas meter is intended for gas supplies where you're using a lot of gas. It's a bit like having a three-phase electricity supply. Most people in the UK don't need that, so they have a U6 gas meter instead. The Burns Test I described above is free and you can do it yourself, which I can then help you to review the results at no cost. I would only recommend an OFMAT if I feel there's a reason to. I wouldn't make a penny out of it anyway as I'm an indepdent forum volunteer.

    OFMAT is basically a Meter Accuracy Test for gas meters, it's similar to a MAT for electric meters but has two extra letters on the name for reasons I always forget.
  • Landmark's Avatar
    Level 29
    Hi there
    Doesn't sound too good to me; just post a picture of your smart meters and I expect Theunknowntech may look into it here for you🧐
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Actually, there's already multiple threads from silverfox55 about the same question and if we keep using all of them, it may get confusing. I've requested a thread merge to tidy things up and keep it all together.
  • silverfox55's Avatar
    Level 1
    No I don't have a U16 gas meter. What I cannot work out is the gas meter and remote thingy show extorionate readings which eon will at somepoint use when they send a gadgy round to read the meter. But, the actual cost in pounds and pence on the remote thingy shows a perfectly reasonable amount of money for the whole time we have has a (smart !) meter. So I can do a test but watching the cost usage for months now shows that the meter and remote show totally different usage. I presumt the daily cost in pounds and pence is a ruse to keep us quiet and hope we don't notice the grosly infalted gas reading which they we use when a guy comes round to read it. From what I can see from here is that it will take years for eon to read the meter remotely as they have no idea whow to do it.

    That part will be ignored when they charge us thousands for gas.
  • Beki's Avatar
    @silverfox55 It's lovely to have you here on the customer Community. Beki here and I have a theory... I wondered if the readings you are given are in m3 or kwh for your gas usage?
  • silverfox55's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi. Current reading 071406 kWh. all readings have been given in kWh. I always keep an eye on the readings and the costs of the gas and electric. Surely if the gas reading wants to climb to a eye watering level the cost to me in pounds and pence wouls have changed, yet it has not. So to me something is seriously wrong here.
  • silverfox55's Avatar
    Level 1
    After many not very good agents I ended up with one aho knew what do do. Ignore all the red and blue button nonsense and just press button 9 and take not of the first numbers (Volume). Maybe after I get a bill which should be correct this can be considered resolved.
    Please consider clarifying the meter read instructions.