SMETS1 Meter

  • ned's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hello and I apologise for this old chesnut, but can anyone explain why my Landis & gyr first wave of smart meter (installed by a previous owner by BG), can now talk and obtain readings with E0n but my energy monitor has no network so therefore blank?
    The WAN & HAN indicators on the Trilliant hub are green but solid - not flashing.
  • 7 Replies

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    Beki's Avatar
    Best Answer
    @ned I'm so glad to see you on the Community. Has @theunknowntech solved your answer?
    Would you be able to verify the answer from them by clicking the 3 dots on the correct answer and then clicking verify answer.
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    You have summoned the power of theunknowntech, which you do so at your own risk. Many adventurers have journeyed to seek out this mysterious volunteer, but most return empty handed and few ever succeed. It is said that those who do succeed though, are rewarded with his knowledge beyond all else.

    Ah yes, I think I know the situation here. Which In-Home Display do you have? Is it one of the ones which are British Gas branded by any chance? If so, then I'm afraid you may have a hard time getting it working again, due to the locked down proprietary nature of how the Centrica WAN and all attached devices worked back in the day. It's possible that the IHD might eventually recover itself but you could be waiting a while. I've seen the exact same issue with other supplier specific IHDs as well, so you're not alone there.

    I've never truly figured it out, but I suspect BG modified that IHD somehow so that it relied on something only they had. Very few people seem to have managed to get them working again after leaving BG, even as their meters migrated to DCC and reconnected with their new supplier. Your WAN and HAN connections are healthy at least, so it might be possible to get a new IHD and pair that one up instead.
    Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
    Pete is an IHD Tariff Update Robot! 🤖 Anasa is a Giant Enemy Robot Spider 🕷 🤖 Hannah is neither! Need Customer service? click here! Replacement IHD Guide? Here it is!
  • ned's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi and thank you kind sir in taking time to reply to my query.
    if I understand your technical advice, we must be on the same wavelength somewhat - I purchased a replacement and I guess that was a waste too as that didn’t work either.
    I will try through the correct channel in hope that works. Thank you once again.
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    You're welcome. As you've got SMETS1, I'm afraid you can't just buy any old IHD and pair it up - it has to come from your current supplier. If you're still able to, I'd recommend returning the other IHD you bought for a refund.

    If you need help again, feel free to stop by.
  • ned's Avatar
    Level 1
    once again I thank you so much for your reply and advice.
    The iHM I bought (or I thought would work), is the exact model, used - that would have been supplied in the original smart meter install - can I take your reply as being any old or any end of?
    As mentioned my call to the help desk yesterday proved fruitless as it was stated this is not something that can be arranged.
    sorry I seem to be confused by all this - only trying to drill down on if I can obtain the full compatibility of an IHM.
    Kind regards
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    It is game over I'm afraid, unless you can get E.On to either fix your current IHD or send you a new one.

    Strictly speaking, whoever sold you that other IHD had no right to do so and it is technically now stolen property, so if you can send it back, that would be great as it would also resolve that headache. It remains property of the supplier at all times and shouldn't be removed from the premises it's originally installed at. It's probably also still paired to the meters at the place it came from, so you wouldn't be able to transfer it to your meters. Did you tell customer service that you don't currently have a working IHD? That should have prompted a response...

    There are compatible IHDs for the meter you've got, but only E.On Next can source one for you as the current supplier.
  • ned's Avatar
    Level 1
    @theunknowntech thank you for your time and patience, I now fully understand where you are coming from on this. I really didn’t appreciate that the IHD was supplied specifically with the hub and meter installation when first installed.
    thank you once again.