No gas meter since April 2021

  • SteveMc's Avatar
    Level 1
    my gas meter stopped working about a month after I was swapped from n-power to Eon, as well as the gas part of my smart meter.
    I have emailed many times and been in contact a couple of times and I have even had a chap come to read my meter, which he could not do because it is not illuminated and does not read anything. This gent said he would arrange a replacement meter appointment, this was months ago and I still am not getting charged for gas.

    I have repeatedly asked for a new meter or my existing one to be fixed, with no joy.
    I do not want to be stung with a massive unexpected bill
    so I have been very careful with my gas usage and have bought a few oil heaters to warm the house (I do not have a gas boiler)
    I do not want an estimated bill because I have used less being careful and if they get my old meter working I do not want to be charged for all my last 7/8 months of gas at a new higher rate

    as I said I have emailed and spoke a few times with no joy.

    What more do I need to do ??

    thanks for any advice

  • 7 Replies

  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 79

    I'm theunknowntech, forum volunteer and wizard, at your service.

    That's... Not good... If the meter display is totally dead, this is a fault and the meter will need to be replaced and that should have been taken care of at the time. If that much time has passed since then, figuring out your gas usage might be a challenge as well. However, you're not responsible to pay for any gas you didn't actually use and (in theory) if someone manages to find a way to pull all the data out of that meter, it may still be possible to figure out an accurate bill (not easy though!).

    I don't have access to your account myself as I don't work for E.On, however I definitely think this needs a solution. The current gas meter can't be repaired while it's still in service out in the field, so it'll need to be switched out for another one and then sent off for repair. It might get returned to spare inventory later, but that's a job for someone else to handle.

    I'm going to try and attract the attention of Beki or Hannah to this thread, as they're more able to see what's been going on than I can. Hang in there for now, this may take a few hours.
    Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
    Pete is an IHD Tariff Update Robot! 🤖 Anasa is a Giant Enemy Robot Spider 🕷 🤖 Hannah is neither! Need Customer service? click here! Replacement IHD Guide? Here it is!
  • SteveMc's Avatar
    Level 1
    thank you for the reply.
    Yes the meter is totally dead and won’t come to life if I press all or any of the buttons.
    I look forward to a reply
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 79
    No worries. They usually check in a couple of times each day, so they'll most likely spot this thread soon. It's a little more tricky for me to get their attention sometimes, as my comments no longer go through pre-moderation and I sometimes have to use that thread tag feature a bit more often than I'd like. But I'll keep an eye out.

    Actually... I think I can remove some of those tags from a few threads now. And given that I'm now able to set up to five tags on any thread, I should be able to replace them with the ones I was originally planning on.
    Last edited by theunknowntech; 11-01-22 at 18:08.
  • Beki's Avatar
    Hey @steveMC, Beki here 👋 It sounds like to me you need a faulty meter appointment, and I'm really sorry that it's taken so long to get one. I've popped your account over to one of the Energy Specialists and they will be in touch to book. 😊
  • Noonespecial10's Avatar
    Level 1
    @SteveMc did ypu ever get your meter sorted?
    my mum been waiting since before September 2021 for them to come out.
  • SteveMc's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi sorry for the late reply
    i have a new meter fitted but it won’t connect to my smart meter so I now have to supply my readings and have no idea which items in my house are using a lot of little gas.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91
    @Han_EONNext any chance of looking at this?
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.