Very intermittent Smart Meter readings

  • tr00st's Avatar
    Level 1
    I've been with E.ON for about 6 months (dual fuel) since I moved into this property - initially, the smart meter and IHD worked fine...

    Readings have been iffy since August - the IHD still works absolutely fine (taking readings from it, given how unpleasant the meter cupboard is) and as of today still matches the meter correctly.

    For gas, I've had a reading in November and one in January
    For electricity, I've only had a reading in November

    This indicates to me that something's "a bit broken". A call to the E.ON Next customer help line (including clarifications that the IHD's displaying correctly) led them to order a new IHD, with assurances that it would fix the ongoing issues with Smart Meter readings not reaching E.ON correctly... Based on my understanding of the network involved, this seems unlikely...

    Am I right in thinking that the IHD shouldn't be relevant for submitting readings? Those would be sent over the WAN connection from the electricity meter, whilst the IHD receives data from the meter's HAN connection?

    Further reading after this call indicates that it might be waiting a couple of weeks (6 weeks from switch date?) before following up further, but just looking to clarify and check if my assumptions are correct. That, and I assume if it wasn't working consistently before the switch, it's not super likely to work consistently afterwards...

    Important dates:

    • April 5 '21 - Initial start date with E.ON
    • August 5 '21 - Last date where consistent monthly readings were recorded
    • November 5 '21 - Smart meter reading appears online for Gas+Electric
    • December 3 '21 - got my "Welcome to E.ON Next" email, assuming this would be my switchover date?
    • January 3 '22 - Smart meter reading appears online for Gas only
  • 3 Replies

  • Best Answer

    Beki's Avatar
    Best Answer
    @tr00st Hey there! Beki here 👋 Thank you so much for popping your query on the forum. It's awesome to have you here!

    I've had a little gander at your account and everything on the gas seems to be fine, however your electric billing schedule wasn't created, which means that your smart meter didn't know when to send the readings over to us! They're smart, as long as they're being told what to do. I have rectified this and set it for the same time as your gas meter (3rd) and this will begin from Feb 3rd.

    I have also polled some readings from your meters today which will ensure that your billing is up to date.

    I hope this helps and you see a regular improvement from next month!
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Yup, you're spot on for almost everything there. Please allow me to fill in the rest.

    I'm theunknowntech by the way, a forum volunteer who happens to travel around the internet a lot.

    The way that both meters work, is that they communicate with a Communications Hub over the HAN, and this Comms Hub then forwards the meter readings using its own WAN connection. It's more efficient this way, as it provides one point of contact for your site. While the electric meter is able to ping the Comms Hub every 10 seconds (and therefore the Comms Hub forwards electric usage data to your IHD over the HAN every 10 seconds), the gas meter only does a heartbeat roughly once every 30 minutes, so the Comms Hub caches everything related to the gas meter using its Gas Proxy, in order to improve reliability and this is why IHDs can only update gas usage every 30 minutes. The IHD is not involved in submitting meter readings at all, it's really just a tool to help you see what you're using.

    Based on what you've described, I see no reason to need a replacement IHD, but I guess it's a bit too late now. Feel free to keep both of them and have both paired to your meters at the same time - up to four active IHDs are supported at once. Anyone who says having more than one active doesn't know the truth. Both myself and my friend Blastoise186 have TWO Chameleon IHD6-CAD-PPMID IHDs paired to our meters and we have absolutely no trouble getting all of them to ping our meters at the exact same time.

    Your electric meter should hopefully resume readings soon, possibly by the end of this month. If it doesn't do that, I'd recommend reporting it as a possible fault with the electric meter - please make sure it doesn't get treated as an IHD fault because it probably isn't.
    Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
    Pete is an IHD Tariff Update Robot! 🤖 Anasa is a Giant Enemy Robot Spider 🕷 🤖 Hannah is neither! Need Customer service? click here! Replacement IHD Guide? Here it is!
  • tr00st's Avatar
    Level 1
    Thanks to you both for taking a look!

    @theunknowntech Thanks for the clarification on the details there - and thanks for the reassurances regarding the IHD. It's all pretty much in-line with my expectations - given the security and reliability implications, I'd have been rather surprised if IHDs were involved in the transmission process!

    @Beki Many thanks for taking a look at my account - I can see both the readings on the 8th, which is certainly promising! I'll keep an eye on things from here on out, but hopefully that's everything sorted!