I've recently had a smart meter fitted, and i've noticed that the display for electricity shows the KWhs as a decimal value below zero. Yet the gas reading shows a full number.
Electricity reads as 0.09 and £22.55 for the week and gas reads as 222 and £11.69 for the week.
When the readings come through into my account they seem correct. It seems the display is just incorrect.
@maw444 Hey there! I think I've got to this and sent an update to your IHD.
Keep it on and plugged in for the next 24 hours and it should update. Let me know how you get on. 😊
I'm theunknowntech, the local evil genius forum volunteer, at your service. :)
How may I assist you with your plans for world domination today?
Is this on the In-Home Display by any chance? If so, it might just be demo data that will sort itself out within the first six weeks after the installation. There's not much you can do to fix it during this time but if it keeps happening after that, you may want to ask customer service to run some diagnostics, or come here and I'll see if I can advise further.
Hope this helps.
Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
Pete is an IHD Tariff Update Robot! 🤖 Anasa is a Giant Enemy Robot Spider 🕷 🤖 Hannah is neither! Need Customer service? click here! Replacement IHD Guide? Here it is!
I've recently had a smart meter fitted, and i've noticed that the display for electricity shows the KWhs as a decimal value below zero. Yet the gas reading shows a full number.
Electricity reads as 0.09 and £22.55 for the week and gas reads as 222 and £11.69 for the week.
When the readings come through into my account they seem correct. It seems the display is just incorrect.
Anyone know if this can be corrected?
The unknowntech also said:
"Is this on the In-Home Display by any chance? If so, it might just be demo data that will sort itself out within the first six weeks after the installation. There's not much you can do to fix it during this time but if it keeps happening after that, you may want to ask customer service to run some diagnostics, or come here and I'll see if I can advise further."
I can confirm the same problem - it IS NOT deomo data and it DID NOT sort itself out. I have had a case open with customer services since 26/10/21 and they seem unwilling or unable to resolve this beyond suggesting the standard IT fix of 'turn it off and turn it on again'; which (unsurprisingly) DID NOT work.
I will not give up!
I determined that there seems to be a consistent error factor of 10^-3 applied, i.e the IHD is showing MWh rather than kWh i.e.10kWh of energy used (from Smart Meter Display) is only shown on the IHD as 0.01 (k)*Wh (2 DP is the max resolution of the IHD, so any usage below 10kWh is shown as 0.00 (k)*Wh - proving that the IHD is actually displaying MWh; 0.01MWh = 10kWh).
*(k) indicates that IHD display units not the actual meter units
Please help fix this - customer services don't seem to be able to!
Waiting in (vain?) hope.
Last edited by Leopardml2341; 26-01-22 at 15:06.
Reason: Missing explanation of parentheses around 'k' prefix relating to IHD
Thanks. That's a really weird edge case that I've not seen before. It's also stumped some of my friends who I've asked - they've not seen this issue either.
My best guess is that there's either some kind of firmware bug (which can theoretically be fixed through firmware updates), or corrupted firmware (which can be a nightmare to fix).
Could you show me some photos of your IHDs please? I need to know what the make and model is, so that I can look up resources for them.
The paperclip function is actually disabled on this forum by the looks of things. It's just that for some reason, the editor doesn't hide the button (it's usually meant to do that!). Probably another bug for me to get Beki to look into.
If you'd like to upload images though, feel free to use the gallery icon on the far right of the toolbar, just to the left of the video camera icon.
We had smart meters installed in the last week. we haven't been given any documentation on how to read the smart meters. I know there are lots of things on youtube etc but they all tend to be very simplistic in just telling you how to read the one reading that the company is interested in so they can bill you. I want to know everything about all the other fields that you can scroll through on the meters. Also on the smartview2 IHD on the Electric "Todays History " page it shows values that are ten per cent of the real values, I.E. if it should be showing 590Wh it shows 59.0. if I add up all the hourly columns on the "Todays history" page they only add up to one tenth of the total today value shown on the "Home" page that displays the current electric and gas use along with the total amount used (so far) that day. The IHD product info page shows as follows:
iHD PCBrev 1.1, App rev2.1, Stack rev 38, GBCS rev7.44, OTA ver 02000000. How can you expect people to have faith in smart meters if you send out products which clearly have a bug in them. If we can't trust one page display how do we know the total values you are billing us for, are real. If the software developers can put in and not notice a bug that makes one page show values that are only ten percent of real values maybe they made another error that makes the total values read ten per cent high. Do you not do any quality control, or do you just ignore things like this because the only thing that matters to the company is getting the money in and doing away with manual meter readings?
@Beki - Thanks for confirming attachment restrictions
@theunknowntech - apologies for delay, but see below
Images and narrative below.
These are taken from the eMail Exchanges I've been having with customer services, sadly it all seems to have gone quite on that front :(
Hoping someone can help with this - it's a fundamental error which is possibly insignificant to many but it's important to me to keep tabs on EV charging. This is especially true as EON have withdrawn thier EV tarriff and I have to use standard variable tarriff energy costing considerably more :(
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