Smart meter showing electrical Kwh as a decimal value

  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    @Beki - Thanks for confirming attachment restrictions
    @theunknowntech - apologies for delay, but see below

    Images and narrative below.

    These are taken from the eMail Exchanges I've been having with customer services, sadly it all seems to have gone quite on that front :(

    Attachment 307

    Attachment 308

    Attachment 309

    Attachment 310

    Hoping someone can help with this - it's a fundamental error which is possibly insignificant to many but it's important to me to keep tabs on EV charging. This is especially true as EON have withdrawn thier EV tarriff and I have to use standard variable tarriff energy costing considerably more :(

    Hmm... That's strange... This is actually a really tricky one that I've not seen before and I don't even think my friend Blastoise186 has seen before either. I'll have to ask him about this, bear with me!
    Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
    Pete is an IHD Tariff Update Robot! 🤖 Anasa is a Giant Enemy Robot Spider 🕷 🤖 Hannah is neither! Need Customer service? click here! Replacement IHD Guide? Here it is!
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    We had smart meters installed in the last week. we haven't been given any documentation on how to read the smart meters. I know there are lots of things on youtube etc but they all tend to be very simplistic in just telling you how to read the one reading that the company is interested in so they can bill you. I want to know everything about all the other fields that you can scroll through on the meters. Also on the smartview2 IHD on the Electric "Todays History " page it shows values that are ten per cent of the real values, I.E. if it should be showing 590Wh it shows 59.0. if I add up all the hourly columns on the "Todays history" page they only add up to one tenth of the total today value shown on the "Home" page that displays the current electric and gas use along with the total amount used (so far) that day. The IHD product info page shows as follows:
    iHD PCBrev 1.1, App rev2.1, Stack rev 38, GBCS rev7.44, OTA ver 02000000. How can you expect people to have faith in smart meters if you send out products which clearly have a bug in them. If we can't trust one page display how do we know the total values you are billing us for, are real. If the software developers can put in and not notice a bug that makes one page show values that are only ten percent of real values maybe they made another error that makes the total values read ten per cent high. Do you not do any quality control, or do you just ignore things like this because the only thing that matters to the company is getting the money in and doing away with manual meter readings?

    Hi. I'm a forum volunteer so I'm completely independent of E.On. I used to have this particular IHD a long time ago, as well as a few of my friends including Blastoise186 who is probably the best person I can think of who knows about this stuff. I'll need to try and reach out to him and get his thoughts, but this might take a while.

    What I can say though, is that not all IHDs suffer from this kind of bug - only certain ones do. The two Chameleon IHD6 both me and Blastoise have for example, don't have this problem with firmware version 1.4 and CAD version 1.9. You just got unlucky in that the IHDL SmartView 2 has never been a very good IHD and it is known to be full of bugs galore. The blame doesn't lie with any energy supplier, but with the device manufacturer. As much as me and Blastoise186 would love to try and reach out to them and flag up all these issues, it's practically impossible as there's no way for us to do so.
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    @Leopardml2341 Ok, I'm back! Sorry for the wait.

    I've had a chat with Blastoise186 and this is what he told me.

    Originally Posted by Blastoise186
    Hey Tech, I've not seen you much this year! :D

    Woah, that's a new one! I know the Chameleon IHD3 has had a few firmware glitches recently, but I'm not sure whether this might be one of them. And as you've said, you can't seem to reproduce it using Kecleon Black and my Kecleon Brothers (you know, Kecleon Green and Kecleon Purple that I told you about) aren't showing any signs of trouble either. So it seems like if it's an issue, it's only affecting the Chameleon IHD3, rather than the Chameleon IHD6. I can't see any obvious clues either from searching the internet just now. My best guess? Might be a firmware bug after all, but if it is, only Chameleon can fix that - and this assumes all affected suppliers are subscribed to the device firmware update services... Which apparently not all of them do.

    I don't think your Kecleon White IHD will show you anything different either, since it's also an IHD6 and I really could have done with an IHD3 for this. But the problem for me, is that Raichu can only have four IHDs paired up and I've already used up half that allowance with the existing Kecleon Brothers.

    And that's basically all Blastoise could think of. I'm still learning from him, so I can't think of anything else beyond that either. It'll probably get fixed eventually, assuming the right firmware updates come down - but we both think that it won't be worth getting a replacement IHD as that won't fix your problem. He did say that if you can get the Tech Team to intervene though, you might have a chance.
  • FordPrefect's Avatar
    @theunknowntech hi again,
    Is it possible to purchase a better ( not bug laden) alternative IHD and pair it to my smart meter? Any suggestions where from?
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Not at this time, at least there's none I can think of.

    Me and Blastoise are keeping an eye on the market though in case this changes. Apparently, Chameleon Technologies is working on one called ivie bud which seems to just be a Chameleon IHD6 and they're saying you'll be able to buy that one in the future but it's not out yet. We're not ready to give our opinions on it though as we can't get hold of it until it launches... It remains to be seen if other options will come up.
  • Leopardml2341's Avatar
    Level 1
    @Leopardml2341 Ok, I'm back! Sorry for the wait.

    I've had a chat with Blastoise186 and this is what he told me.

    And that's basically all Blastoise could think of. I'm still learning from him, so I can't think of anything else beyond that either. It'll probably get fixed eventually, assuming the right firmware updates come down - but we both think that it won't be worth getting a replacement IHD as that won't fix your problem. He did say that if you can get the Tech Team to intervene though, you might have a chance.

    Apologies from me also, been laid low with the unmentionable......

    Thanks for taking the time to look into this.

    It's still quiet on the customer services front, so rather than relying on email, looks like I'll, have to phone them again, unless @Beki can help me get a replacement IHD which doesn't exhibit thus problem?

    Thanks again.

  • Beki's Avatar
    @Leopardml2341 Hey Andy, Beki here 👋 I have been away also with He Who Should Not Be Named.

    I don't think that new IHD would solve this problem and it may be worth giving it a bit of time to see if a firmware update is going to fix the issue.
    Whilst we wait, I will send your account info over the Smart Team and see if there is something they can do there end. 🤞
    There is a bit of a backlog though so please be patient with me/them 😊
  • Leopardml2341's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi @Beki.

    I've been in touch with customer services (Surinder Kaur) who has been in turn in touch with the smart metering team over a few months now. The latest from her is:

    Hi Andy,

    Hope you are well.

    I have chased this up many times with the Smart metering team and they have come back with no answer. By the looks of it, it will not be fixable and I do apologise.

    When we are able to send out replacements, I will make sure you get one and have it linked up to the meters at your property.

    Kind regards

    So it seems like the smart metering team are somewhat disinterested......

    If you can exert any more influence please do, but above all please report back?

    I'm beginning to form the view that getting a smart meter wasn't such a smart idea after all.

    Hope to hear from you soon.
  • Leopardml2341's Avatar
    Level 1


    Here's an interesting thing (from this forum post

    Name:  Screenshot_20220125-215114_DuckDuckGo.jpg
Views: 764
Size:  28.5 KB

    Which shows a IHD of the same type as mine displaying a correct value of kWh for the cost as opposed to what mine shows:

    Name:  IMG_20211026_171255.jpg
Views: 710
Size:  67.7 KB

    Perhaps you could find out what version of firmware that users IHD has and arrange for mine to match it.

    Seems there may be an answer after all, now can we fix it? Or should I call Bob the Builder :D

    I await with interest.......
    Attached Images Attached Images  
  • Beki's Avatar
    @Leopardml2341 I have sent an update to your device and it is due to send me readings over on the 28th. I would like to see if this works with the update and also your meters sending readings, because at the moment, your meters are not allowing me to poll readings through. 🤔