Took over property - no gas readings

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  • Roger's Avatar
    Level 1
    I purchases a property on 3rd dec and carried on with Eon next as the current supplier. The property has SMETS2 meters and all green lights on the comms hub are flashing at 5 secs so everything appears fine. No gas readings appear to be coming through - I have a Bright account and have added the property to this and can see the electricity readings fine and can see gas history up to 8th November bu nothing since that date. Customer Services tell me I have to wait 6 weeks for the meters to transfer to my account but I took over the existing supply and haven't changed suppliers. Is this likely to spring to life or do I need to get back on to customer service? If I couldnt see any gas history I might understand their answer but not when I can see history up to 8th November.
  • 6 Replies

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    theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Best Answer

    Ooh... A technical query. I love these. I'm theunknowntech by the way, a forum volunteer who helps out here.

    It seems that you've gone and done a few diagnostics already, but I've got a few more to ask you for.

    When you look at the Comms Hub, does the GAS light also pulse every five seconds? If it doesn't, that may well be the clue that solves the puzzle, since that would indicate the meter isn't paired at all. For more diagnostics, I'd need some help from you though. Please could you post some photos of your meters, including wide shots that show the entire meter, along with close ups that clearly show the meter displays while they're lit up. This helps me a lot to figure out possible diagnostics so that I can recommend a solution.

    To clarify though, you do not need to wait six weeks if you've simply taken over the supply when you moved in, had working Smart Meters and haven't changed suppliers since. You were given bad advice by customer service there, as that only applies to newly installed meters or if you switch supplier. The SMETS Commands used for Change of Tenancy vs Change of Supplier flows are two different beasts and only the latter requires six weeks to process, yet you triggered the former.

    In my opinion, it could just be that the gas meter has temporarily lost connection to your Comms Hub, or is in the middle of doing something that prevents it from sending readings to the hub during the half-hourly heartbeats. It will probably recover eventually, but I can try to help you check a few things, just in case.
    Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
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  • Roger's Avatar
    Level 1
    Thanks - thats what I thought - Gas light is flashing every 5 secs so comms to comms hub looks good - I'm not at the property at the moment but have some part photos I will send just in case they are any help
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Thanks for sending me the images (received via PM).

    I can confirm you've got SMETS2 with the following setup:
    • Communications Hub: SMETS2 Toshiba SKU1 Cellular (Southern Territory, Telefonica WAN)
    • Electric Meter: SMETS2 Landis+Gyr E470, possibly the Type 5394 variant
    • Gas Meter: SMETS2 Landis+Gyr G470, possibly the G470-672 variant

    Now here's the bad news. While the L+G E470 does sort of have a way to check the signal strength between itself and the Comms Hub - which should always be full signal anyway - the G470 does not have such a feature, so it's impossible for me to go through some of the diagnostics I'm able to pull off with other brands like Flonidan. It's one of many reasons I'm not a fan of L+G.

    There's no reason that a setup like the one you have would have been installed if the gas meter wasn't going to get a signal - especially if it's been working fine for some time. My guess is that the gas meter has simply gone dark for a while, but it should recover eventually. The only other reason I can think of, is if the SMETS Commands got messed up and a Change of Supplier flow was issued rather than a Change of Tenancy flow, but even that doesn't make sense.

    I'd say give it a few more weeks and if it still doesn't come back by the end of the month, flag it up with customer service again - referencing this thread.
  • Roger's Avatar
    Level 1
    @theunknowntech thanks - the history stops nearly a month before we took over the supply so I dont think it’s related. Will give it a few more weeks and then call CS.
  • Roger's Avatar
    Level 1
    @theunknowntech Im back at the property and looks like the meter index isnt changing which would explain why the Bright App is saying its seeing the meter but there is no usage. I presume there is nothing I can do other than get an engineer out in this case?
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    No worries. This definitely suggests a meter fault, most likely a total failure. If the meter display isn't moving at all even when it should be, then it's time for an Emergency Meter Exchange. You'll need to speak to customer service to arrange that. They'll get someone out to you as soon as possible.