Energy monitor

  • Alanj's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi all, my monitor, installed 7 days after joining Eon shows the wrong tariff. It shows the original tariff given to people who don't pay by direct debit. As I do pay by direct debit which is a lower rate the daily week, and grand total is wrong, showing too much. Does anyone else have this problem or had this problem and it corrected itself.
    I know the tariff is wrong because the bill I received shows the lower tariff. Regards and merry Christmas Alanj
  • 10 Replies

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    theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Best Answer

    I'm theunknowntech, a forum volunteer who helps out here. I don't have access to your account, but I'm a dab hand at puzzle solving.

    I think I know the problem here. Could you post some photos of your Smart Meters and In-Home Display in your next reply please? This really helps me out a lot as I can double check what you've got, just in case I need to adapt my advice.

    If you've only recently had the meters installed, please be aware that it can take up to six weeks for the commissioning process to complete - and some of the configs remain as defaults during this time. As long as the tariff on your account and bills is correct however, this won't cause any billing issues. Usually, once the meters are commissioned the correct tariff config is automatically downloaded and applied, which sets the correct tariff rates across your entire Site - including the IHD. If this doesn't happen for some reason, there's a SMETS Command Update Tariff Configuration which can be issued manually by customer service. That command will force the meters to pick up the correct rates and resolves this particular issue in around 98% of cases.

    Hope this helps. Once I've seen those photos, I'll be happy to do a few extra diagnostics with you.

    Happy New Year
    Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
    Pete is an IHD Tariff Update Robot! 🤖 Anasa is a Giant Enemy Robot Spider 🕷 🤖 Hannah is neither! Need Customer service? click here! Replacement IHD Guide? Here it is!
  • Alanj's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi, thanks for your reply. Attached are photos of the meter and the IHD. I have calculated that the cost shown on the IHD is 7% higher than it should be. But as you say the bill shows the lower rates. I am happy to wait for it to get corrected as you said it can take up to 6 weeks. Regards Alanj.
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  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    No worries. It probably is just a case of waiting for the commissioning to complete and then having that SMETS Command issued to force an update.

    But just in case... One more check. If you look above the electric meter, you should see a Communications Hub that's branded either EDMI, Toshiba or WNC and has either Standard 420, SKU1 Cellular, SKU2 Cellular + Mesh or SKU3 SIMCH (Special Installation Mesh Communications Hub) printed on it. Which one of these does yours have on it? The EDMI hubs also only have two LEDs on, while the others have five. Please could you tell me which LEDs yours has, which ones flash/pulse and how often they do so. It's a useful diagnostic that tells me a lot.
  • Alanj's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi again, another photo attached. The electric smart meter is Toshiba, has 5 lights, only 3 of which flash every 5 seconds SW WAN HAN. Note I do not have a gas smart meter. Can't find any SKU info maybe you can decipher the photo.
    The meter is talking to Eon and the IHD as I have just had another bill, I'm impressed.
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  • Alanj's Avatar
    Level 1
    just had another look at the photo, top right hand corner says it's a SKU 1 Cellular.
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Perfect, that's brilliant for me. I can confirm you've got the following kit (this is mainly for accessibility reasons, to help others with screen readers):

    • SMETS Version: SMETS2
    • Communications Hub: Toshiba SKU1 Cellular - connected to DCC via the Telefonica WAN
    • Electric Meter: Landis+Gyr E470 Type 5394
    • In-Home Display: Chameleon IHD3-CAD-PPMID (SMETS2 variant)

    And yup, those lights are exactly how they should be if you don't have a gas meter, which confirms the site is healthy. I'll explain a quick breakdown of the LEDs, which is valid for all Toshiba and WNC SKU1, SKU2 and SKU3 Comms Hubs. Please note that this isn't valid for the EDMI Standard 420 however, as those only have two lights.
    • SW (Software): The status of the Comms Hub itself, especially the firmware running on it. Anything other than a Slow Flash (one pulse every five seconds) could indicate a possible fault with the hub
    • WAN (Wide Area Network): The status of the WAN connection back to the Telefonica WAN. Slow Flash indicates an active connection, anything else is either seeking a connection or a fault - it's best for me to advise on a case-by-case basis though. Disabled if a MESH connection is being used instead
    • MESH: The status of the MESH connection to the Mesh Network in the area Only used if your Comms Hub is using a MESH connection, otherwise disabled. Slow Flash indicates a healthy link. Anything else could be a fault
    • HAN (Home Area Network): The status of the Home Area Network and the ability for other devices to connect to the hub, such as the Electric Meter and In-Home Display. Anything other than a Slow Flash is likely to be a fault
    • GAS (Gas Meter): Confirms that a gas meter is connected and communicating, as long as it's a Slow Flash. Only used if a gas meter is also installed. Disabled for electric only sites

    I think there's also another fix for your issue in this case. While it won't resolve the incorrect tariff config, it will probably fix the traffic lights. You might just need to set a budget to your liking. I recommend doing this based on the correct tariff rates, even if the IHD currently has the wrong rates as it'll correct itself later anyway. Here's the user guide from Chameleon to help with that.
  • Beki's Avatar
    @theunknowntech - thanks once again for helping out other Community members 😎

    @Alanj - Beki here 👋 I have gone ahead and sent a tariff update for you. That will apply at midnight tonight so please ensure that your IHD is on 🤗 Please let us know how you get on and if any of the answers given here are correct.
  • Alanj's Avatar
    Level 1
    Thank you for verifying everything is working OK. I have set a new budget as suggested. Now to start on seeing want equipment uses the most power. The tumble dryer is a likely candidate.
    Have a great new year best wishes Alanj
  • Alanj's Avatar
    Level 1
    new tariff has been done, thank you. I can see I will have to disregard the historic cost data for previous weekly cost as the tariff update is not retrospective.
    But the bills are correct that is the main thing.
    I have attached photos of the new rates update, thank you for your help. Best wishes and a happy new year regards Alanj
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