• Spookyville's Avatar
    Level 1
    @Spookyville I am so sorry to hear that your experience with E.ON hasn't been the best. I would like the opportunity to look into this now you account is on supply with us. If it's any consolation, my gas meter is 'smart' and is not connected to the DCC and it never sends readings. 🙄

    I have just had a look at your account and your gas meter didn't have a reading schedule or calendar set up so I have done this. Your meter is set to send meter readings half hourly and your billing is set to the 10th of every month so I am hoping that this will work come the 10th January. I have set a reminder on your account to check both of these on the 11th January. Both your meters are classed as 'uSmart' now which means that they have been enrolled to the DCC.

    In the meantime, is it your IHD that is not showing you information? It can take up to 42 days for it to sync, a lot of people have found it syncs very last minute. It is worth checking that it is on and in range of your meters.

    Thanks @Beki it was originally set to send readings on the 1st of the month when the contract began, the IHD was displaying all sorts of issues, would reset back to zero half way through the month and made big jumps at various times. Just have not been able to rely in it displaying correct information since May. I always leave it on the dual fuel £ per month so far screen to keep track of usage £. During this time its been power cycled a lot just in case. Are you saying that it should now be displaying correctly? In which case I will start afresh from Jan 1st, thank you.
  • Landmark's Avatar
    Level 29
    I have tried everything and it's still not working and I cannot send a meter reading
    You state that you have tried everything, however you don't appear to have answered the following couple of questions put forward to you on this thread courtesy of TUT and are as follows:
    • Does the Wireless symbol on the IHD continue flashing indefinitely, even after it comes up with "Waiting for data"?
    • if you look at the Comms Hub, there's five LEDs labelled SW, WAN, MESH, HAN and GAS. Please could you tell me which of those LEDs pulse green, and how often each one does so.
    Please help us to help you by providing the information requested, it would help not only yourself, but the whole community because like your good self, every problem is unique here, and we love solving these puzzles😏
  • ludemon's Avatar
    Level 1
    I have a Secure Liberty 101 smart meter which was installed by a previous supplier just before they went bust, so the Geo Trio IHD does not work and just displays Not Commissioned.
    I've tried to get technical information from various sources to enable me to pair the IHD with the meter but so far no joy.
    I also suspect that the meter is not functioning in smart mode as I still have to send monthly meter readings to E.ON Next.
    I also have a Pipit 500 IHD which worked fine with a previous Secure Liberty 100 meter.
    Does anyone have any technical data on these IHDs so that I can get one or both functional, or point me towards an organisation or person that can provide this information?
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    Our resident expert is @theunknowntech. They're not around at the moment I think, so if you're patient this will be picked up later when they're available.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • ludemon's Avatar
    Level 1

    Our resident expert is @theunknowntech. They're not around at the moment I think, so if you're patient this will be picked up later when they're available.

    OK thanks for letting me know. I'll be on standby.
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    I'm afraid you won't be able to pair that Geo Trio IHD on your own. Customer service might be willing if you ask them, but I cannot make any promises.

    Please let me know as much as you need to ask. I have access to contacts who can help me answer your questions if I get stuck.
    Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
    Pete is an IHD Tariff Update Robot! 🤖 Anasa is a Giant Enemy Robot Spider 🕷 🤖 Hannah is neither! Need Customer service? click here! Replacement IHD Guide? Here it is!
  • ludemon's Avatar
    Level 1
    Thank you theunknowntech for your reply. I have a massive list of emails to and from Customer Service, but they don't seem to be knowledgeable on this subject. They never answer questions directly and just send standard replies that are usually links copied and pasted from Google Search which I can do myself anyway. Hence the reason for trying this forum.
    I have also tried Secure Meters UK and Geo, but they both say that I should contact my energy supplier. So where should I go from here?
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    It's impossible to pair any IHD via the forum I'm afraid. @Beki_EONNext might be able to step in though. My friend happens to know someone at Geo, but he's also confirmed they don't have the ability to pair IHDs for you.

    Your only other option is to pick up and ivie Bud or Hildebrand Glow IHD from their official websites.
  • Mark59's Avatar
    Level 1
    My smart meters aren't smart they haven't communicated for nearly a whole year.
    It's now in the hands of the ombudsman service - useless company
  • Daljit's Avatar
    Level 1
    My IHD stopped working last year and I tried to report it as a fault to customer service and then this forum. Becki even organised an engineer to visit me - he turned up not knowing why he was there and could not re-parent the IHD to my smart meter. The IHD was working perfectly with the previous supplier. I just gave up which is what this forum seems to do - i.e.keep you talking but no results. Note : faults, problems etc reported on this forum do not register on the EonNext fault statistics. As you said customer service just ignore you.