Does EON provide economy 9?

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  • Rupali's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi there, I just moved into my new flat which appears to have a economy 7 prepayment electrical meter. I have a key where I top up some money and slot it into the meter to use the electric through the flat.

    I would like to change the meter to an economy 9 smart meter? Do EON provide such meters? If so how can I possibly change this?

    Please advice
  • 2 Replies

  • Best Answer

    Beki's Avatar
    Best Answer
    @Rupali Hey there, thank you so much for taking the time to post on our community. Economy 9 is not something we offer however we do have Eco 7 and Eco 10 options. This is something that is best discussed with an Energy Specialist who can help you out further. Do you need our contact details?

    Sending positive energy to you,
    Beki - Digi Ops Team Leader & Sustainability Enthusiast

    Everything & everyone powered by sustainable energy. 🌍
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80

    Economy 9 is also technically only offered by a handful of suppliers, I've only come across two that can do it so far. If you specifically want Economy 9, you'll likely have to switch supplier to one that offers it. It's pretty difficult to get that without a Smart Meter these days, but most Smart Meters are capable of this setup. You'll also have to contact suppliers yourself - comparison sites aren't capable of comparing Economy 9 tariffs.

    Personally, it's probably not an option I'd recommend unless you're absolutely certain it's what suits you best. It's a risky move and the gamble could hurt more than it helps if you go wrong. If you have storage heaters for example and you're not in the north of Scotland, Economy 7 is probably a better choice.
    Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
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