planning a holiday, what happens with my meter readings

  • GeorgePap's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hello all

    I am planning a holiday which will last a while (around two months) and i am wondering what will I do with those meter reeading reminder emails? Is there a way to tell E.ON Next to hold them until an arranged date?

  • 1 Reply

  • Best Answer

    theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 79
    Best Answer

    It looks like this thread got missed, sorry about that! I'm not sure if I managed to respond to your question fast enough for this particular holiday, but I hope you enjoyed it either way. I've decided to answer it anyway as a late answer is better than no answer. I hope that's OK with you.

    As far as I'm aware, if you forget to submit any meter readings, this does result in estimated bills which may not be accurate. However, once you submit an actual meter reading, this will force the system to recalculate everything and should fix the billing. If you were overcharged as a result of the estimates, this will also be fixed and you'll be refunded for the excess.

    I'm afraid there isn't usually a way to hold back the reminders, but most suppliers let you submit meter readings at anytime anyway, so feel free to submit one once you're back from your holiday.
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