Hi, we are looking to purchase a ivie bud smart meter reader that will monitor gas & electric on a small screen in our kitchen. Now, we have checked on compatibility with our electric meter & all is ok. What we would also like to do is monitor our 2200lt propane LPG tank. At the moment we have an old fashion 2” dial gauge on the tank thats not the most accurate. So, a few years back we fitted our own gas meter in the loft next to the boiler & we can now calculate our usage a lot more accurately. Now at 70 years old i could do without climbing in & out of the loft & was wondering if to fit a Landis Gyr + G470 Smart Gas SMETS2 Meter,& connect it to our new smart display. Question is? Can this be done to just get a reading of our usage. I didn't know if it would affect the DCC or any other part of the metering. Thanks.
Evening @collectors May be if you are interested the Home Assistant website might be worth a look. There's thousands of Open Source projects to browse through dealing with automation, energy monitoring, and lots more. Even producing a digital output from an analogue meter. https://www.home-assistant.io/
First impression is that use of the current communications hub and IHD would not be possible.
what sort of meter do you currently have in the loft? Is it mechanical dial type or electronic?
our volunteers will then come up with suggestions for you - we’re an imaginative group.
Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
First impression is that use of the current communications hub and IHD would not be possible.
what sort of meter do you currently have in the loft? Is it mechanical dial type or electronic?
our volunteers will then come up with suggestions for you - we’re an imaginative group.
Hi, unfortunately its the older mechanical dial type with no electrical connections.
What we was hoping was like the electrical meter reader we put in our cost per kw & it gives us a total on what we have used. With LPG you buy buy the litre, so, to convert cubic gas metres into litres is cubic gas metres 10 X 3.85 X 0.5 for 0.5p per litre =£19.25 at 50p a lire for 10 cubic metres This could be reversed to enter £1.92 per cubic metre. If you get my drift.
At least you don’t have to factor in standing charges.
you are free to use whatever unit you like but a direct measure unit (m3?) to price would do for me, but for trends some sort of volume record would be necessary to eliminate price volatility.
i was wondering whether a camera and monitor might do the trick? There used to be an app called Alfred that used old iPhones to act as a security system. I’d be looking For a simple low cost solution.
The problem i have is getting a cable to the tank as its underground & about 18m from the house. But i do have wifi reaching to this point , but no power. I thought of a camera, but wasn't sure if i would be changing battery's all the time.
But, i have just text a friend who has a camera door bell & this might also work. I know these come in battery versions.
for a camera to work you would need light on the meter too! I was thinking of viewing the loft meter, not the tank outside. Still other ideas will doubtless emerge.
@collectors I would think that battery powered cameras might only function when stimulated by motion. Primarily to extend the battery life. Admittedly I've not delved too deeply but it has been commented on in a few instances.
for a camera to work you would need light on the meter too! I was thinking of viewing the loft meter, not the tank outside. Still other ideas will doubtless emerge.
Ah!, majority of cameras have IR on them these days. Ok its in black & white, but that's OK.
for a camera to work you would need light on the meter too! I was thinking of viewing the loft meter, not the tank outside. Still other ideas will doubtless emerge.
I actually had a camera on the loft one in black & white because of the IR on the camera, but was hoping to upgrade things a bit with the in house meter display.
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