Had EON install a home charger a few months back in preparation for the arrival of an EV I had ordered. Car was delayed and eventually arrived last week.
Set the Eon home app to charge the car from midnight to 7am woke up in the morning and it had charged for 75 minutes and then tripped the MCBO that was installed at the same time….called EON who said they had reset the charger.
Tried the same thing the next night and it charged from midnight for 50 minutes and tripped again, I reset at 03:30 and it tripped after 15 minutes…..gave up and went back to bed.
Rang EON again this morning and am now waiting for someone to call me from a different team, tried charging using the RFID card instead of the app, charged for around 20 minutes and tripped again.
Amyone had similiar experiences with the Vestel04?
I can adjust the current limit for AC charging from the BMW app so will try changing it from unlimited (max 32A) down to 24A, I had tried it at 28A yesterday and that still caused an issue.
My issue if I understand the logic correctly assuming dropping to 24A was to solve the issue then the charging time would increase from say 10 hours to 12.5 hours for the same amount of charging, meaning I would have to charge more often as the low price per kwh window is 7 hours each night and not enough to get from 20-80% in that slot at 24A charging.
What rating RCBO did they fit? Should have been a 40A Class B but if they fitted a 32A, or a Class A then it will trip out after an hour or so. Or if you reset the RCBO after it has tripped, it won't stay on as long as it is already warmed up internally. You can always go into the vehicle control panel or the charger settings and set the maximum charging current to, say, 25A and that will hopefully help.
Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
@Demon70 I’m having exactly the same problem. Eon’s online help pointed that main problem is weak wifi so just forked out £250 for mesh wifi and made no difference whatsoever. I have same switches that’s shown in the thread. Really annoyed that I spent over 3 hours hanging on the helpline phone which was not replied. Got through today to be told someone would ring me back in up to 2 days.
Thanks. WiFi is very strong at the c.p. and beyond. It is connected to 500mbps fibre.
Can you upload a photo of the better quality MCBO please?
many thanks
Why, oh why do people have to use wi-fi for everything?!! Connect the Vestel to your router with a CAT6 or CAT5 Ethernet cable. Saves no end of hassle!
@Demon70 unfortunately still no contact from Eon! Looking at one site, the WER mcbo black handle tripping indicates overload or short circuit so iU would assume that the one fitted is not compatible / fit for purpose
After 5 weeks problem solved. Nothing to do with WiFi ( over £200 wasted). RCBO changed and so far, no glitches.
Last edited by Sofarnotahappybunny; 05-05-24 at 10:51.
Reason: Update
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