Message when contacting EON Via WhatsApp now says that you don’t need to move from fixed as the Energy Price Guarantee will be applied to variable and Fixed Tariffs and that EON will be contacting all customers asap to let them
know this
Have done a screenshot of the message - will try to upload in this thread
I don't have an answer but I am in the same situation.
I fixed in July to Next Online V14 as at the time that seems the best deal for the long term.
So I have been paying more since July in the knowledge that from October I would be paying less but it now looks like that is backfiring on me.
I have also looked and cannot find an option to change. I also cannot see what my exit fees are.
Does anyone know what the exit fees on V14 are please.
Good luck to everyone who researched a lot like me and now feels they wasted their time and may end up with more grief.
I am glad the cap is looking likely to be reduced from October just annoyed at my situation regarding the fixings. I hope Eon is helpful with regards to letting people go on SVR with the new information hopefully announced later.
Yes, I've been paying more since August. So much for planning ahead. I won't hold my breath on a refund of the excess I've needlessly paid.
Quick update. I've contacted them via WhatsApp and now back on the variable rate. Only for a few weeks but better than paying 50p per kw/H for electric.
Yes, I've been paying more since August. So much for planning ahead. I won't hold my breath on a refund of the excess I've needlessly paid.
Quick update. I've contacted them via WhatsApp and now back on the variable rate. Only for a few weeks but better than paying 50p per kw/H for electric.
I'm in the same boat but to be fair, I wouldn't expect any refund, as such, I'm prepared for that hit.
However, like you, I have contacted them via Whatsapp to go back to NextFlex. As you say only a few weeks, but given the fix was around 72% higher than current price cap, the remainder of September would effectively be approx 50% higher than it needs to be, if not swapping back to SVR.
In my case this equates to around £100, so not to be dismissed.
Message when contacting EON Via WhatsApp now says that you don’t need to move from fixed as the Energy Price Guarantee will be applied to variable and Fixed Tariffs and that EON will be contacting all customers asap to let them
know this
Have done a screenshot of the message - will try to upload in this thread
If you’re on a fixed tariff at a higher rate caused by recent energy price rises, your unit prices will be reduced by 17p/kWh for electricity and 4.2p/kWh for gas.
These unit prices have been passed to suppliers to ensure that they are used to calculate bills on time for 1 October.
Energy suppliers will adjust fixed tariffs automatically. Customers on fixed tariffs do not need to take any action to get the benefits of this scheme.
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