Rescued wildlife pets ?

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  • Tracy's Avatar
    Level 15
    Aww well foxes are about at night in most places now i do love foxes too to be honest we have one not too far from us we regular take a ham bone and leave it there people call them pests but there just doing there thing like anyone or any animal they all have a role here I know they take people's chickens but if we look at how many we take in comparison then I think we would be the pest because they are trying to survive many humans do it for greed not survival I do understand they can be a pain but again more houses less natural habitat for them so maybe we should give a little thought in a different way 🤔 foxes like lots of thing even veggies the best thing for hedgehogs is to leave a patch in Ur garden of uncut natural grass to let nature take its place it will attract insects that they love and they will feed naturally and healthier with no foxes to steal there joy lol x
  • Tracy's Avatar
    Level 15
    Once we run in conjunction with all wildlife then the world will run in conjunction with us good or bad the food chain continues and we are not exempt form that we take more than any species here yet they don't cull us like we cull them we have the brains to see a dangerous animal and most are far away in there habitats untill we disturb them and engage with them so again it's all perfectly balanced maybe we need to bring that balance back into our environments too a beautiful butterfly on a sunny day brings a smile yet it will destroy things too so maybe we need to change our views into the universe then all life will change too x
  • Connor_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    @Tracy I've been pondering putting a little "hide" in the garden for hedgehogs. There's a house near me, they have a lovely little "hedgehog garden" with a little door in the fence 🦔
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  • Tracy's Avatar
    Level 15
    Aww that would be great for them the thing is iif we just help them then leave them to there own devices I'm sure it will help keep them safer without too much interaction to upset nature is the best way I think mindfulness never hurt humanity only improves 🤗
  • Tracy's Avatar
    Level 15
    I'm still learning so much from my own environment made many mistakes in life and nature but these guys teach many lessons so those said mistakes then become a lesson hence brings educated changes in how we think we know so much yet we know very little in The natural world really
    Last edited by Tracy; 08-02-24 at 13:46.