Migration improvement needed!

  • Ziggy's Avatar
    Level 1
    When Eon moved me to Eon Next, I and everyone else was told we had to do nothing with regards to account and details and it was suggested that it was only a name change.

    That was a list of mistruths and created a lot of problems and phone calls. Whoever decided to move existing Eon accounts to Eon Next had not tested the system properly how account details including payments would be moved over.

    NowI have my first statement, well I should have, but the App does not show it. So I thought I would look at my energy usage to compare it to the past. Where have the comparison charts gone, I did a search and it appears there are a number of other users looking for the same information but all they get is 'we are working on it'. Why are you working on it? it was already there on the old app.

    Every time you do do something new, you go backwards. Suggestion, employee the software guys from British Gas, it always works and I can get my usage data from 2019. As a Sustainability and Energy Manager I find your systems and process ineffective. You should be able to show charts and trends so that customers understand where their money is being spent and how to reduce their usage.
  • Beki's Avatar
    Hey @Ziggy, I understand what you're saying and yes a few are different with E.ON Next. It's not just a name change, we are a separate business.
    We love feedback though, and are always looking to improve customer experiences. This one has already been put forward to our tech teams so keep your eyes peeled. 👀
