App Version 2 - WE NEED YOU!

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  • Richtea78's Avatar
    Level 5
    There’s a flick of a switch and there’s ridiculous delays. You entered into partnership with Octopus to use Kraken in March 2020. That means you’d been negotiating with them for months before that. And you still don’t have a working app. Getting on for 18 months now. That’s insane. I could understand if you didn’t have maybe all the functionality but the inability to even submit meter readings is quite frankly bizarre.

    It’s not like you could have forgotten it so someone at Eon basically said “f..k them, they can go without” and launched a product without several key features. No one has given any explanation of the decision yet.
  • BethS_EONNext's Avatar
    I think I’ve explained something similar in one of our private messages, @Richtea78 - We made the decision as a business to launch with a website that gave customers the basic information they needed to know to manage their energy account, and without an app. This meant, as we grew in numbers, we could use your feedback and suggestions to build an app and a website we knew would work for all our customers.

    As much as we've had feedback such as yours to say you miss the features that came with npower's website (it was really good to be fair, as an ex-npower employee and customer I personally really enjoyed being involved with their digital services from both sides) - we've had a lot of customers say that they like the simplified version as it's easy to find what they need with minimal fuss. From a public perspective, (as I have a feeling you’d be keen to source this! ☺️) our Trustpilot page gets a lot of feedback about the website, good and bad - but more good than you’d probably think!

    Both with the website and the app, we’re now trying to build something that keeps everyone happy, which is what is taking the time!
  • Richtea78's Avatar
    Level 5
    Yes I’ve seen your trust pilot reviews. I noticed they are suspiciously better than other independent sites like google and Facebook reviews.

    If you look at your Facebook reviews there is literally not one good review in the last month. Compare that with Trustpilot where it’s almost totally the opposite. The thing that makes me really curious though is that if you look at reviews by people with more than a couple of reviews then they are much more negative. There’s a huge bias towards positive reviews by people who have never reviewed any other products or services!

    Also none of the trustpilot reviews have mentioned a simplified website at all. The positive reviews have all been about the engagement with the customer service staff which is to be fair very good. I don’t have an issue with the staff at all, I have an issue with the ****** systems you have implemented.

    i do admire your persistence though and hope you feedback to the people who do actually make the decisions as they are the people who are to blame for this mess. I’d also love to see the customer survey results you did that support people not wanting an app or tariff comparisons on the website.
  • Hatwildeman_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Owner
    @Richtea78 thanks for the post.
    You're right, the reviews on Social are more negative, that's the nature of Social Media as a contact channel and not unexpected. Its pushes us to do everything we can to turn those reviews around too, and the Digi Ops team do a marvellous job of that.
    Just on the Trustpilot point of yours, if you search 'website' in the search bar on Trustpilot, you'll see what Beth is referring too. Yes there are some negative reviews from people who aren't happy with the website, but a lot who comment on the ease of it. There will always be personal preference. But the important thing is that we know where the website is going and what features we need to add, which is what we are working on every day. As we make changes, some will love the changes, some won't.
    The Octopus app is a fairly new addition to their features believe it or not.
  • Richtea78's Avatar
    Level 5
    Hat, if you filter on that it does show some people who are happy. But it also shows a lot who aren’t.

    Why couldn’t you have had the information available for those who want it and have it hidable for those who don’t want it? It all sounds like the information isn’t available and the “simple view” is a way to excuse it. It would have been so easy to have had a tab or box that you can close to give you the information or hide it.

    the other thing that winds me up is the whole contact the CEO thing. I emailed him weeks ago and he still hasn’t replied to me. That’s just rude. If you’re going to have that feature then at least reply. So rude.
  • Markus's Avatar
    I requested to be in with App testing got a reply back see below from Hat

    (I replied a day later but nothing back!)

    Hi Markus, hope you're ok?

    Thanks for your interest in testing the app - here are a few things to make it happen -

    • We need Android and iOS users - either is fine.
    • It kind of goes without saying, but you need to have a mobile device! :)
    • We'd need you to have a 20-30 minute phone call with our Design Team to run through the designs and let us know what you think about them.
    • Ideally you'd be happy for us to record the session, so we can get the most from your feedback and don't miss any of it!
    • Testing times would be arranged to suit you, but we're looking to complete the testing this week and next - Friday (21st May) and Monday & Tuesday (24th & 25th May)

    If you've got some time and the above all sounds ok, then please let me know.


  • Hatwildeman_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Owner
    @Markus how awful! I'm so sorry if I missed you. The good news is that we have lots more testing coming up and you'll be the first to know about it, so if you're interested in future testing, you'll have lots of chances. Sorry again - hope you can forgive me :(
  • Scottishboy24's Avatar
    Level 1
    How do i become an app tester id love the opportunity to trial the new app
  • Richtea78's Avatar
    Level 5
    There is no App to test. I doubt they are even working on it. If you want decent service just leave this terrible company and join someone with working systems already. Eon made a “business decision” to launch without systems in place and don’t care about customers
  • Landmark's Avatar
    Level 29
    There is no App to test.
    I think you are just making it up by guessing that. It would be wiser for you not to make fleeting statements unless you have hard evidence to back it up.
    If you want decent service just leave this terrible company and join someone with working systems already. Eon made a “business decision” to launch without systems in place and don’t care about customers
    I think they do because they now have proved themselves to me by getting me a smart meter and making it work when I asked, and in a timely manner, unlike British Gas who had a long waiting list for smart meters I found out by experience and their customer service was slow and stroppy.