Is there a time limit to this (e.g. if you sign up today for a fixed rate and then next week another appears cheaper, how long have you got to change your mind?). Can't seem to find any definitive answers to this, only if you move to another supplier.
Switching Tariffs
Once you sign up to a fixed tariff at EON Next (moving from flex), can you move to another fixed rate EON Next tariff without paying the exit penalities listed on the tariff?
Is there a time limit to this (e.g. if you sign up today for a fixed rate and then next week another appears cheaper, how long have you got to change your mind?). Can't seem to find any definitive answers to this, only if you move to another supplier. -
5 Replies
Usually you have a 14 day cooling off period. Theoretically you could cancel the switch, go back to Next Flex and then sign up to another tariff or just switch -whatever works.Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and think the smart meter programme is a waste of our money. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless. -
Morning @leccy
Have a look at this link to EoN Next Terms and Conditions for Domestic Tariffs. -
as @WizzyWigg ...
11 - Terms for our fixed term tariffs.
11.2 You can arrange to switch to another of our tariffs or to another supplier at any time without giving notice, but if you switch supplier before we send you your renewal notice we may charge you an exit fee. See your confirmation letter for details.Last edited by doverboy; 7 Hours Ago at 11:46.
Thanks. So... does that mean there definitely won't be a charge if you switch to another tariff at EON Next from an existing fixed one (which states exit fees if you change supplier, which obviously I'm not asking about).
Can't see any explicit clause saying if you switch to another one of our tariffs you will, or indeed will not, be charge the/an exit fee.
Checked confirmation letter, again no mention at all, only mentions if one changes supplier. -
You can't find a clause saying there will be an exit fee. We keep telling you there will be no fee when switching between Eon Next tariffs, but you're still not convinced. WHY?