Tariff changed without my permission although on fixed tariff until end of July

  • Prettyeyez's Avatar
    Level 8
    Hi All,

    I’ve just checked my account online and it shows that I’m on a variable payment depending on my usage.

    I have not changed or agreed to change anything as I’m on Next Assured Fixed 15m v1 until the 1st July 2025 paying on the 17th of each month. It still shows this as my current tariff.

    However, my account is also showing variable monthly payment and payment to be taken on the 1st of each month.

    This must be some sort of a glitch as this doesn’t make any sense.

    Has this happened to anyone?

    Last edited by Prettyeyez; 3 Hours Ago at 16:12.
  • 4 Replies

  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    It sounds like you are on a variable monthly direct debit where you pay your bill in full every month, rather than a fixed direct debit where you pay the same every month but end up in credit during the summer and possibly in debit over winter.

    It's just the payment method, not the tariff itself.

    My payment is calculated on the 1st of the month when I submit my meter readings, but usually taken around the 15th to 17th, depending on what day of the week the DD goes out.
    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • Prettyeyez's Avatar
    Level 8

    It sounds like you are on a variable monthly direct debit where you pay your bill in full every month, rather than a fixed direct debit where you pay the same every month but end up in credit during the summer and possibly in debit over winter.

    It's just the payment method, not the tariff itself.

    My payment is calculated on the 1st of the month when I submit my meter readings, but usually taken around the 15th to 17th, depending on what day of the week the DD goes out.

    Thanks for your response. I’m not on a variable DD as my current tariff is a fixed tariff as mentioned above which is due to end in July this year. I never chose or have ever chosen a fixed tariff. I haven’t changed anything so I don’t understand why account it now showing 2 different tariffs at the same time. This doesn’t make any sense. I cannot speak to eon over the weekend so will have to wait until Monday for further clarification.
    Last edited by Prettyeyez; 3 Hours Ago at 16:08.
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92
    I'm on a fixed tarrif but have a variable DD. They are not mutually exclusive. A phone call to customer services is your best bet to find out what might be the cause of the confusion or erroneous information. 👍
  • Prettyeyez's Avatar
    Level 8
    I'm on a fixed tarrif but have a variable DD. They are not mutually exclusive. A phone call to customer services is your best bet to find out what might be the cause of the confusion or erroneous information. 👍

    As mentioned in my message above I will be contacting them on Monday.

    For the last 10 years I have never had a variable DD and my DD dates have never changed without my consent.

    I will be checking this on Monday as this is a mistake.

    Thanks for your input.