Ongoing Emails to help-centre do not progress the issue.
I gather the off-peak period is specified by 23.00 to 24.00 then 00.00 to 07.30 and assume this profile is held in the host system, so why change meters???? The second period from 00.00 to 07.30 must be missing an 'activate' tick of some sort in my account profile. Simple to investigate and correct.
The original "dumb" meter with the external electro-mechanical timer was associated with an MTSC of '5' (not 8xx ....?) but that field does not appear on the latest statement., is that pertinent?
Perhaps I've got this wrong, but the first line help desk people seem to be in a small loop whereby the only solution they are empowered to offer is "change the meter".
Anyone been through this before and can offer help please?