Meter Simplification?

  • marktom's Avatar
    Level 5
    First time posting here and looking for some advice.... I have a GEC Nightstor elec boiler with a 2 meter setup. Over the last few years my bill has been going up and up and I'm currently paying £635 per month - which is ridiculous. My offpeak rate is 26p/kwh. I've tried to change suppliers in the past but no-one will entertain a 2 meter setup.

    After a lengthy email exchange with Eon the other day it would seem a 'meter simplification' would help - however I'm yet to find out if this is something they would do.

    I also found out yesterday via another forum that one of my meters is 'out of regulation', dangerous and should have been changed by the supplier years ago. I've attached an image.

    I'd like to get a single smart meter fitted and have more control (and cheaper bills) - has anybody had a similar experience who can offer some advice please
    Name:  meter.jpg
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  • 23 Replies

  • Best Answer

    retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92
    Best Answer

    That could easily be swapped for a five terminal meter which would solve all your problems.

    I suspect with your current setup you actually have two MPAN numbers and could well be paying double standing charges, which won't help your bills any.

    That time clock and the black meter would be removed, a two rate meter fitted in place of the white one and the boiler would be switched by the fifth terminal. Much simpler and it would tidy up the wiring too.

    If you are paying 24p for off peak rate, I shudder to think what they are stiffing you for day rate!

    I'm on a flat rate tariff and only pay 22p any time of day or night.
    Last edited by retrotecchie; 08-01-25 at 12:47.
    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • marktom's Avatar
    Level 5

    That could easily be swapped for a five terminal meter which would solve all your problems.

    I suspect with your current setup you actually have two MPAN numbers and could well be paying double standing charges, which won't help your bills any.

    That time clock and the black meter would be removed, a two rate meter fitted in place of the white one and the boiler would be switched by the fifth terminal. Much simpler and it would tidy up the wiring too.

    If you are paying 24p for off peak rate, I shudder to think what they are stiffing you for day rate!

    I'm on a flat rate tariff and only pay 22p any time of day or night.

    Many thanks for the reply. Yes I have 2 MPAN numbers - the black meter for the heating is 26.48p for both off peak and day rate which I find strange - and they charge me 55p for the day rate.

    I've asked Eon about the meter change - whether they would do it or is it my responsibility but they don't seem to able to answer me. if it was my responsibility would it be a job for an electrician or somebody more specialist ?
  • WizzyWigg's Avatar
    Level 90
    Many thanks for the reply. Yes I have 2 MPAN numbers - the black meter for the heating is 26.48p for both off peak and day rate which I find strange - and they charge me 55p for the day rate.

    I've asked Eon about the meter change - whether they would do it or is it my responsibility but they don't seem to able to answer me. if it was my responsibility would it be a job for an electrician or somebody more specialist ?
    Your energy supplier is responsible for replacing your electricity meter.
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    It's a straightforward job which the meter installer can do.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    @marktom can you tell us the name of your tariff?

    is it conceivable that this is a business supply, rather than domestic?
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and think the smart meter programme is a waste of our money. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • marktom's Avatar
    Level 5
    The Tariff name is Next Flex - there's no mention of a commercial rate but that would certainly answer a few questions
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    OK. Can you post an image of the section of your bill showing the units consumed and price - but omitting ALL personal information? And if you log into your online account and look to change tariff what options are you quoted? Alternatively as you have 2 MPANs, are you being double charged?

    not being nosey, just trying to understand!
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    Does the time switch show anything approximating the correct time? Does it actually run? Is the White meter also a two-rate meter?

    What I suspect you have, especially if you are in a region formerly served by Scottish Electricity Board or Southern Electric, is a 'complex heating system' which was originally marketed back in the 70s as Flexheat or Heatsave,

    Those systems had four Tariff rates. Peak and off peak regular electricity, and separate rates for peak and off peak heating. It looks like your original 'white meter' has been replaced by a more modern version at some point but they have retained the original legacy 'black meter' and time switch. That time switch not only activates the heating circuits but also tells the Black meter when to change rates. That's what the much thinner grey wires are for...the control signals.

    As it is a two meter system and these installations were obsolete long before the regional electricity boards were privatised, current suppliers just have no knowledge of these legacy systems so can't facilitate them properly. The only two energy companies that did maintain these four rate tariffs were Scottish and Southern or OVO.

    Two meter systems will now have two MPAN's and you will be charged two lots of standing charges. So instead of the 50-60p a day, depending on region, you'll be paying double that. In other words, you are paying between £180 and £220 a year more than you need to be. That's before you use a single kWh of electricity.

    A meter engineer will need to install a 5 terminal smart meter. The Live cable from the time switch to the heating system goes to the fifth terminal. Job done. One meter, one MPAN, half the standing charges and a more simple (and cheaper) E7 two-rate tariff. There's already a Neutral connection for the Black meter commoned at the incomer/disconnect so no need even to fit a Henley block. That Neutral can be used to connect the heating return.

    Lose the Black meter and time clock completely....a tidier meter box too 👍

    I'm a 'wires' man. I've been 'on the tools' for the best part of half a century. My esteemed colleague @meldrewreborn is a bit of a whiz with digging down into the numbers, looking for anomalies and helping to make sense of what's going on with the figures. Unfortunately, some of the Customer Services folks don't have the knowledge or the experience, so trying to get any sense out of them with setups like yours isn't always easy. No disrespect to them, but I'd bet a fair few of them weren't even born when these systems were 'mainstream' 🤣🤣🤣
    Last edited by retrotecchie; 09-01-25 at 00:54.
  • marktom's Avatar
    Level 5

    OK. Can you post an image of the section of your bill showing the units consumed and price - but omitting ALL personal information? And if you log into your online account and look to change tariff what options are you quoted? Alternatively as you have 2 MPANs, are you being double charged?

    not being nosey, just trying to understand!

    Thanks for your reply - I've attached 2 snippets of my statement. 1 for the standard meter and 1 for the heating boiler. If I go on-line and try to change tariff I get a message saying I have to give them a ring. Name:  statement-e7.JPG
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