Hi, we are looking to purchase a ivie bud smart meter reader that will monitor gas & electric on a small screen in our kitchen. Now, we have checked on compatibility with our electric meter & all is ok.
What we would also like to do is monitor our 2200lt propane LPG tank. At the moment we have an old fashion 2” dial gauge on the tank thats not the most accurate. So, a few years back we fitted our own gas meter in the loft next to the boiler & we can now calculate our usage a lot more accurately.
Now at 70 years old i could do without climbing in & out of the loft & was wondering if to fit a Landis Gyr + G470 Smart Gas SMETS2 Meter,& connect it to our new smart display.
Question is? Can this be done to just get a reading of our usage.
I didn't know if it would affect the DCC or any other part of the metering.
