Well I'm extremely disappointed. This tariff was hyped to be a replacement for Next Drive for solar battery users but I've just got my quote through and the rates are incredibly disappointing.

Electricity standard unit rate (5:00 - 13:00 and 15:00 - 01:00): 26.51 pence per kWh
Electricity off-peak period 1 unit rate (01:00 - 05:00) : 17.80 pence per kWh
Electricity off-peak period 2 unit rate (13:00 - 15:00) : 20.99 pence per kWh
Electricity standing charge: 52.03 pence per day

Why would I switch to this from Next Drive when I can currently fully charge my battery and delay my tumble dryer, dishwasher etc to the overnight 6.7p period?