Smart meter shows electricity usage from a previous life!

  • OxfordBlue26's Avatar
    Level 1
    At the end of August this year I reluctantly had a smart meter installed after resisting for many years. A few days later I was then sent my first bill, which to my horror showed that the several hundred pounds of credit on my account had gone, and I was now in a significant deficit! It soon transpired that the electricity reading on my ‘new’ smart meter had not started at zero on the day of installation and that this starting value wasn’t initially logged with my provider (Sainsbury’s Energy). Things were soon corrected and my subsequent bills make sense.

    However, I’m still confused about the electricity reading on both my main smart meter and the portable display, neither of which correlate with the actual reading on my account. Upon further interrogation of my smart meter, I can see that the monthly history shows a significant amount of electric usage for January to July 2024 (a reminder the the meter wasn’t installed until August 2024!). I contacted Eon and was given instructions on how to obtain my correct electric reading from my main smart meter by scrolling through the various sub menus (one of these shows four different tariff values, one of which is correct and matches my bill!).

    Surely it shouldn’t be this complicated though? Why is the main electricity reading on
    my Smart meter display not correct? Why does my smart meter have all of this electricity usage data from the first half of 2024 when it was not installed at my address?! I should add that my gas meter readings do not have any of these issues - the main gas reading is correct and there is no gas usage recorded from January-July!

    Thanks in advance for any help/advice!
    Last edited by OxfordBlue26; 6 Days Ago at 23:02.
  • 1 Reply

  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    You had a second-hand meter installed which hadn't had the historical memory wiped. It's as simple as that. The engineer commissioning the meter didn't do the job properly.
    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.