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I make no comment other than to note today's derisible amount of renewables and storage and our reliance on energy from our European friends via the Interconnectors and without them gas CCGT plants churning out nearly 24GW we would be suffering power cuts all over the UK right now.

Not to worry though as NESO has released the Clean Power 30 document for what might lie ahead that ....well I'll let you judge for yourselves.

I also came across an interesting (for some) document relating to Offshore wind vessels availability until 2030.

Looks like these vessels (namely the WTIVs (Wind Turbine Installation Vessels) and the FIVs (Foundation Installion Vessels) needed to install all the offshore turbines needed may be in short supply from 2025 onwards (see page 41 figure 20). I do hope DESNZ has booked them boats ahead of the next ARx CfD rounds. 🤔

It certainly looks like onshore, solar and storage is likely to proceed at at even greater pace if the grid is going to produce clean power by 2030 if Offshore proves to be difficult to source that power. Whether if Net Zero on the Grid by 2030 actually proves to be both cheaper and more reliable (i.e. no power cuts) remains to be seen. Again I make no comment.

Enjoy the reading. 👍