T3 external aerial install by DCC

  • lambpie's Avatar
    Level 3
    Unfortunately the saga continues. Multiple emails/whatsapps/phonecalls with the complaints team and haven't really got anywhere. They have now suggested i pay to have the meter moved to the outside of the property to improve the signal. This is nonsense and not required. I just need Eon next to install the external aerial as i have proven with my temp setup that WAN is available. We've gone around the house multiple times with them saying WAN is not available but they have not come to site to check. I've conducted an independent signal survey and the O2 LTE signal (that DCC use for smart meters) is available. I sent the results to Eon next but this has also been ignored. In addition i provided evidence of a neighbours SMART meter working 50m away. Interestingly in that case, the neighbours smart meter was internal like mine but near a window. With no WAN registering indoors, the commissioning engineer stuck the t2 aerial out of the window to commission the smart meter (initial download i think) once registered as working he brought the aerial indoors again and the poorer signal was enough to keep the meter reading still updating to DCC.

    I'm pretty sure if they sent an engineer out to recommission my meter with my temp aerial setup they would get it working.....but they dont want to do that.

    I really don't think they have any interest in getting it resolved. The last email suggested i escalate to the ombudsman as they have finally admitted they dont install T3 aerials.

    In the mean time i continue to be prejudiced against accessing "SMART" tariffs only available to working smart meters. Costing me hundreds of pounds in unfair energy costs and its totally out of my control.

    Apparently when the complaint goes to the ombudsman, it goes to a "special complaints " team, i tried to give Eon next an opportunity to resolve things before it goes that far but as i mentioned i dont think they really give a monkeys.

    good luck anyone trying to get this sorted.

    Will update once i've heard back from the ombudsman.
  • Indyk_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Evening @lambpie

    I hope you're doing well? I am extremely sorry to hear we haven't been able to resolve your issue with your smart meters and you have had to proceed your complaint to the ombudsman.

    Please do let us know once you have an update and if there is anything else you need please reach out to us. 💜
    The Future of energy is Renewable 🍃 So let's work this out together! ✨

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  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    Interesting to know whether DCC have even been approached by Eon Next over this matter. But as DCC don't respond to domestic customers directly we'll probably never know directly, but you could ask the Ombudsman to ask the question.

    And why they don't fit T3 aerials.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and think the smart meter programme is a waste of our money. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • Johnn635's Avatar
    Level 6
    Having an RTS meter and knowing the mobile status in this area I spoke at length and on Feb 13th it was verbally agreed that an SKU3/T3 smart meter would be installed. Engineer turned up today and had no knowledge of this, so I sent him packing.

    E.ON get your act together.