0 pence showing on IHD for two weeks

  • JHP's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi there,

    My Smart Meter Reader has been showing 0 pence usage per day for the last couple of weeks. I have tried turning it on and off again numerous times and placed nearer to the smart meter but to no avail! Also, my monthly usage cost looks wrong on it! Oddly enough, this happened a few weeks ago as well after a power cut but came back on again. However, since the latest power cut the IHD isn't showing cost per day. I really rely on this to keep an eye on how much I am using.

    Can anyone help?
  • 1 Reply

  • geoffers's Avatar
    Level 32
    @JHP - this seems to be a recurring issue.
    Afraid I can't advise how to get your IHD to reconnect, but at least two alternatives are possible...

    1) Download the Bright App, register your meters with this and you can then view your usage and costs, albeit with a few hours to ~a day's delay

    2) Get one of these : https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/387240625...mis&media=COPY

    I've done this just out of interest and it gives a real-time display of power usage/cost on its app on your phone This is pretty much the same as displayed by the IHD (maybe slightly under reading) - the sensor just clips round the live cable from your meter and measures the current flowing through it (no direct wiring required as it's an induction coil....apart from a normal mains plug to power the unit)
    Last edited by geoffers; 56 Minutes Ago at 19:18.