How do E.On Next estimate usage and calculate unit rate reduction for Pledge Tracker?

  • solidbond's Avatar
    Level 11
    So just how do E.On Next estimate my future usage to calculate my annual usage? Also, how do they actually calculate the reduction on the price cap for the Next Pledge Tracker tariff?

    Based on my bills, from Sept 2023 to August 2024 I have used 7491 kWh of Gas and 2756 kWh of Electricity, however as of my most recent bill, in August, E.On Next estimate 8217 kWh Gas and 3298 kWh Electricity, both a bit higher than my current usage, but not excessively so, both about 10% high.

    However, the email I have received for my new rates from October (I'm on the Next Pledge Tracker v5), and now showing online estimate my gas usage to be 8179 kWh, but the electricity usage to be 10,009 kWh per annum😮 This is over 3.5 times my actual electricity usage in the past year. How on earth do they get that figure? Any ideas?
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  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 59
    So just how do E.On Next estimate my future usage to calculate my annual usage? Also, how do they actually calculate the reduction on the price cap for the Next Pledge Tracker tariff?

    Based on my bills, from Sept 2023 to August 2024 I have used 7491 kWh of Gas and 2756 kWh of Electricity, however as of my most recent bill, in August, E.On Next estimate 8217 kWh Gas and 3298 kWh Electricity, both a bit higher than my current usage, but not excessively so, both about 10% high.

    However, the email I have received for my new rates from October (I'm on the Next Pledge Tracker v5), and now showing online estimate my gas usage to be 8179 kWh, but the electricity usage to be 10,009 kWh per annum😮 This is over 3.5 times my actual electricity usage in the past year. How on earth do they get that figure? Any ideas?

    in short Eon Next don't have this ability. However Eon's DC (Data Collector) does and provides EAU (estimated annual usage) figures to Eon Next that essentially stay with a property. They change over time and with accurate meter reads. Sometimes these data pulls are way off although thankfully billing in my case was unaffected. When I look at Bright going back to when I moved to my present home, I see that the gas used between 8-9 am was recorded as 7564 kWh.......

    My EAU numbers were all over the p!ace initially but settled down fairly quickly although gas in particular is over 10% higher than my recorded usage.
    Last edited by Mailman; 31 Minutes Ago at 22:51.