Hello Everyone,

I've been asked if I can give any advice/tips on how to get the garden ready to protect plants during the Winter. I'm a keen gardener, not an expert one, and learnt from my parents and my grandparents, but some of these tips may be be useful:

In about late October or early November, give rose bushes and taller trees or shrubs a light pruning to prevent damage from strong autumn and winter winds; 🌹

Move any lighter weight plants in pots to sheltered spots to stop them from blowing over in the winds;

Protect ceramic and terracotta pots that aren't frost-resistant by wrapping bubble-wrap around them;

If frosts are forecast, cover any non-hardy plants, (mainly flowering plants such as fuchsias), with hessian or protective fleece which you can buy at garden centres or from Amazon. They also sell white drawstring plant protector bags, which let light through, so you can leave them on the plants in any prolonged frosty spells;

Put a mulch such as bark around the bases of plants which need frost protection to protect the roots;

Don't cut the dead heads off hydrangeas, because they shelter the stems and new growth;

If you have a greenhouse or cold frame, store younger and less hardy plants in pots in them, but lift the roof vent or lid during the day to let air circulate;

Bring any more 'tropical' potted plants such as citrus trees indoors over winter, and put them on a windowsill or in a conservatory, but if on a windowsill, bring them into the room before closing the curtains on cold frosty nights;🍊🍋

If you have an outside tap, cover it with a frost proof protector, which you can buy at most DIY stores, Amazon, and stores like Yorkshire Trading Company. There are various options of frost protection available;

If you have solar powered water features, I switch mine off and disconnect the solar panel during the winter, so that if the water gets icy it doesn't damage the pump;⛲

Remove fallen leaves from lawns regularly, because they can cause damage to the grass, if just left to rot. 🍂

That's about it, other than: feed the wild birds during the day, to help them survive the Winter.🐦

Happy Gardening!😃