No gas readings on statements

  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 59
    @Andy65 @Tommysgirl

    @Andy65 @Tommysgirl

    My meters are due to have readings pulled early Sunday and both readings should appear on my account late Sunday. Statement should appear Monday morning.

    Both gas and electricity meter reads pulled on schedule followed by the transactions (on schedule) followed by the statement (on schedule). The Northern LRR/Arqiva system continues to communicate with my smart meters so ultimately DCC and Eon Next continue as before without issue. Meters (on both utilities) continue to be read automatically on schedule and bills produced on time. 😎
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91
    You could download one of the several third party apps out there ( which usually also give a much better view of your usage than the supplier offerings). If the app can see your data then it is not a problem with the meter, comms hub or DCC but with the supplier. Gives a bit more ammunition in where to point the finger.

    If routine data is getting through, but readings data is not it implies that between the comms hub and the supplier there is a problem, but whether it’s the DCC or the supplier at fault is impossible to say. There are no statistics published which allow us to see whether any suppliers have significantly worse dumb meters than others, but all suppliers have to use the DCC and the numbers of dumb meters are so large that it has to be, in my opinion, an industry wide problem , which smells to me of the DCC. We also don’t get any statistics about how long meters have been dumb. Obviously there will be new meters still going through initial setup, some with temporary glitches and so on but I suspect many meters are permanently dumb, and communication issues are rife.
    Gas meters which rely on a battery to power wireless communication with the comms hub seem particularly susceptible to being dumb, and battery issues, only soluble by meter replacement, are the most likely culprit there.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.