Hi all

I got a new smart meter installed 13th June, however it is unable to get any signal to send readings automatically so I have to manually take them.
The reading noted on the new meter was 0000 and as of 25th July, it is reading 2654 kWh

My past readings on my old meter averaged about 6.5-7 kWh per day
This month’s reading is averaging 55 kWh per day

Since 25th July to today, the reading has shown 50kwh so around 7.5kwh average over the week which seems normal again

The creep test showed no movement

I am suspect that the meter didn’t in fact start at 0000 but because that is what is written on the white tag, Eon are saying that the reading is correct even though it’s a totally crazy number. I don’t want to call someone in and get charged the call out fee if they are going to do the tests and find no issue (as the past week has looked normal) but I don’t know how to dispute this charge since it’s really far fetched and out of normal range