Hi all, I have a problem with my Next Drive tariff, and being billed incorrectly. My car is set to charge between 23:30 and 07:00 to take advantage of the cheaper overnight rate. I just had my first bill from Eon Next, however there is barely any overnight energy usage. Looking at the app, I can see the energy usage spikes when my car is charging, however the time of the usage on the app does not correlate with when my car is charging. It seems to be about 4 1/2 hours behind the actual time, which means that I am being billed at the higher daily rate for charging. My car is not even plugged in to the charger at the times when the app shows the charging data. I have raised this as an issue with customer support, and an awaiting a response, but has anybody else had this same problem?

I have been digging around a bit, and I looked at the meter installed on the wall outside. It is an EDMI ES-10B, and scrolling through the various menus on it, I can see the Time on the meter which is indeed 4 1/2 hours off. It shows a time of 14:54 at 19:30. Does anyone know how to set the time on this meter? Does that need an engineer to visit? The time on the IHD is showing correctly. I assume that if the time is correct on the meter then my usage data will then also be correct.