Smart Meter

  • Prettyeyez's Avatar
    Level 6
    Hi All,

    I'm not on a smart meter as personally I just do not trust them. EON have mentioned that I'm entitled to a FREE smart meter and have suggested that I get one. It was suggested after a phone call this morning that they may start to charge for the meters to be fitted from next year.

    I'm currently aware that it is not mandatory to have one fitted, but it was implied that staying in my current position, submitting meter readings each month may not be beneficial to me. I was advised that I would be able to have a cheaper tariff if I opted for a smart meter. Is this true? When I asked how much cheaper would my DD's be each month I was quoted that I could save between £10-£30 per month. Has this happened to anyone?

    Reading so many issues with these smart meters has put me off and the last thing I want is to have issues down the line with no option to reverse my decision.
  • 3 Replies

  • WizzyWigg's Avatar
    Level 82
    @Prettyeyez Having a smart meter will give you slightly more choice on available tariffs. Whether there are savings will depend more on usage, kWh. As for reducing your DD by those figures it would be difficult to say.
    You are already paying for a meter as part of the daily standing charge.
  • Prettyeyez's Avatar
    Level 6
    @WizzyWiggb Thanks for sharing this information. I spoke to a neighbour yesterday who decided to have a smart meter put in because she has mobility issues so, she is unable to read her meters each month. She opted for the meter readings as an easier option. Now, she received an email stating that all of a sudden she owes and needs to pay over £600 and that her DD payments need to increase by £200 or so. Yikes! What a terrible position to be in as she truly thought she would be better off. It’s clear that the meters are not guaranteed and do not run efficiently. At least when I give my meter readings each month without fail I know exactly what I’ve used and what I will be charged as I also do my own calculations. My neighbour doesn’t feel safe and is vulnerable. I would hate to be in this situation. Plus I keep my usage very low so will stay as I am.
    Last edited by Prettyeyez; 29 Minutes Ago at 06:55.
  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 58

    Almost certainly your friend had a catch up bill that had to happen at some point. In the circumstances you described this would have been triggered by the last meter read for the replaced meter. This in turn triggered a payment review.

    So A good idea before any meter is replaced is to submit customer meter reads if at all possible.