Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
disparity between billing and actual supply switching times
The Kaifa MA120B is definitely a 5-teminal meter, but 4 and 5 are in line front/rear rather than side-by side.
Last edited by retrotecchie; 28-06-24 at 16:59.
Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons. -
The meter can be set up to activate the 5th terminal from say 00:30 to 07:30
but keep the metering side set to normal day rate so the day meter increases while the night meter stays put.
They can do it through (in)appropriate configuration. I didnt believe it until I double checked it.
It would have been impossible with a mechanical meterLast edited by EV7; 3 Weeks Ago at 00:01.
You seem to have had the opposite problem to most folks. The majority of issues are when the meter records both rates correctly, but the ALC contacts don't switch the fifth terminal so heating and hot water never come on.
You're correct that a smart meter can be misconfigured the way yours seemed to be but it's very rare and takes a special kind of muppet to do it.
I've been thinking about it. What they did was to accidentally set the dual rate meter to a single rate mode. It still kept the two meter readings internally but only incremented the day meter from that point. I guess to prevent what you said above, the night circuits still activated as they's always done.
What they should have done if someone asked for single rate on a dual rate meter was kept the meter the same but changed the tariff to 27p for both so you could still see day and night consumption if you wanted or total the two if not.
Anyway it means that if someone complains now that the night meter isnt responding for night circuits at least we know it's possible and can be sorted by configuration. It wasnt straightforward though. They didnt seem to know what to do so I used the website to change to another tariff and bingo. Trouble is the rates are expensive so need to try switching again shortly and see what happens. -
Hi @EV7 ... I hope you get this sorted soon ... I found that Energy Specialists only have rudimentary knowledge of Economy 7 and also found that they have little knowledge of account meter settings, which are changeable by them. The Smart Meter team give 'nothing to see here' answers.
In my case a change was made in error to the configuration of my Meter Settings (E7 switch times) by an Energy Specialist when I had changed tariff, why they would do this I don't know. It was discovered some weeks later by a member of the Meter Technician Booking team who took the trouble to educate my Specialist. -
I've managed to get the configuration sorted by changing to a more expensive tariff.
The issue now is billing. Theyve issued a bill for so many kWh at day rate and another amount at night rate. No meter readings are mentioned so it's difficult to tie up with actual.
I guess this more of a problem where people have a single rate meter and the so called smart side determines how much is at high rate and how much low rate.
With an EV charge point there is the additional varance of where the start and finish times can be delayed by up to half an hour. -
They just add up the incremental ½ hourly kWh readings for your night-time usage and the ½ hourly kWh values for your day-time usage, which as you say gives you your separate day and night kWh totals, to which they apply the relevant tariff value.
I don't know if this is how the Smart-Eco7 billing is supposed to work, but it seems logical to me that they just need to apply the relative ToU tariff to the actual time of use, without needing any meter readings - that's how the NextDrive tariff works for non Eco7 meters.
Have you downloaded your CSV data from Bright/Glowmarkt yet to see if this compares to your billed totals?Last edited by geoffers; 2 Weeks Ago at 10:38.