If your Estimated Annual Consumption (EAC) doesn't reflect your actual usage you can request for a manual EAC review, this will go on your actual usage we can then do a manual payment adequacy review based on this information and then we can request for the industry to modify your EAC 😊
As the others have mentioned you also have the option of a variable direct debit where you pay for what you have used each month rather than a fixed amount. This won't affect your unit rates so you will still be billed at the same rates for what you use.
If you do set up variable direct debit it's really important if you don't have a smart meter that you make sure you send a regular monthly reading manually otherwise your bills would be estimated. 😊
"Green is the prime colour of the world and that from which it's loveliness arises"-Pedro Calderon De La Barca 🌳
E.ON Next Poll - How much do you know about the Priority Service Register? - If you have a spare 2 minutes 🕑 we'd love if you complete our poll about the Priority Service Register 🤗
Wondering about heat pumps? Check out this thread 👉 Air source heat pumps in winter: Busting the myth!