Period of High Electricity Usage

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  • pgcggray's Avatar
    Level 1

    In April and May this year for a period of weeks, my electricity usage was high. There was a high usage overnight also. Nothing has changed regarding my usage (and in fact I was away for 4 days during this time), I did a creep test and checked every appliance by just turning only that appliance on for a period of time and nothing pointed to a problem. The Smart meter and meter in the garage have the same reading.

    Now also after turning everything off a few weeks ago to complete the creep test as advised, the issue has disappeared and my usage is back to normal.

    Has anyone else experienced this?

  • 2 Replies

  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    It’s going to be a hard nut to crack given that all now appears to be normal.

    It’s not clear if you have analysed the consumption in April and May using an app like Hildebrand Bright or not. If not, you can download it for free and will get historical consumption data right down to half-hourly intervals so you can see if it was something drawing power constantly or if there are any spikes.

    It may not solve the puzzle but it would be interesting to know.
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • pgcggray's Avatar
    Level 1
    @pgcggray thank you for your comments. I have asked Eon for data and they have sent it to me. Like you say though it simply shows me the meter was high and then dropped after I did the creep test. I will look into the app you mentioned to see if I can work out anymore.

    i am concerned though that I am just expected to pay after I have investigated all my appliances, nothing changed and now I am back to normal usage. I am also being asked to pay £100+ to have my meter checked when it now seems to be functioning ok again. I nervously check my meter all the time now as the costs if the issue comes back are very high.