E.ON Next EV Flex tariff Pilot Programme - Could this be for you?

  • DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Evening Community πŸ‘‹

    We're finally approaching the launch of our very first EV Flex Pilot ⚑

    Do you own a Tesla? πŸš™ Would you like to benefit from cutting-edge smart charging πŸ”Œ for your EV and also get up to Β£180 cash back per year on your electricity bill?

    If this sounds like a bit of you then join our Pilot Programme for Smart Charging!

    So What's in it for me πŸ€” I hear you ask...

    • Get Β£15 cashback each month on your energy bill πŸ’°
    • Enjoy a fixed 12 month tariff - We will give you a detailed quote before you confirm so you can compare against your existing bill
    • We'll help you smart charge your car through our brand new Next Connect app! πŸ“±

    How do I sign up?

    If you're interested and have a Tesla electric vehicle, a home charger and a smart meter then comment below or pop me a message and we can get you added to the list for further info 😊
    Last edited by DebF_EONNext; 11-07-24 at 11:59. Reason: formatting
    "Green is the prime colour of the world and that from which it's loveliness arises"-Pedro Calderon De La Barca 🌳

    E.ON Next Poll - How much do you know about the Priority Service Register? - If you have a spare 2 minutes πŸ•‘ we'd love if you complete our poll about the Priority Service Register πŸ€—
  • 2 Replies

  • MikeJM's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi DebF
    I might be interested in EV Flex Pilot. I have just become an E.On Flex Drive customer and have a Tesla Model S, a Tesla wall charger and a SMETS2 smart meter. I would need to know more details about how it works as I also have a Tesla Powerwall home battery. If EV Flex Pilot opts to charge my EV at 'random' times when the electricity price is low, like Flexible Octopus, there is a problem because if the Powerwall is supplying the home the first thing that happens is the EV empties the Powerwall into the EV! That rather put me off the Octopus tariff.
  • DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Hey @MikeJM,

    I am so sorry I only just seen this, if you need to speak with someone make sure you put the @ before the members name and it will send them a notification to let them know they have been mentioned 😊

    I will pop you a DM now MikeJM and get some details from you to pass to the team. πŸš—