I have contacted support to try and obtain data about my usage and they tell me they cannot collect from my meter and it may need a reset. I provided them with as much info as I could find ref meter type, software and firmware versions via video's (blindly stumbling through menus). I received the following message
(NOTE, I am on about day 4 getting a single reply per day which is a little tedious but I am keen to sort, I have blanked out the individual as it serves no purpose to share but I am on person 3).
I am xxxxxxxx your EonNext Energy specialist, and I will be assisting you in resolving your query.
Trust you are well, Thank you so much for the videos and the effort what I am going to do is send you instructions please try and reconnnect your supply.
Electricity (Identified with “E” in the MSN e.g 19Exxxxxxx properties should show S2 in properties)
- Press a button to wake up the meter
- When the Armed HOLD OK screen shows press and hold the OK button
- The screens will automatically cycle through other displays wait for the Armed Hold OK page when this appears hold the OK button as prompted (If you miss this screen then wait for this to cycle round again)
4. After holding the OK button for a few seconds the ENABLED screen will show - your supply is now reconnected
My meter simply rotates through 3 screens
An attempt at searching for a menu structure provided this from this forum. THANK YOU
No mention of the "Armed HOLD OK screen" and my stumbling around the menu's and further searching on the internet have not provided any more info to find this elusive Armed HOLD OK screen
Any ideas?