Ridiculously high electricity bill

  • burnittotheground's Avatar
    @jc26 change provider as soon as you can, Eon next are terrible, they need to go under. This energy company is nothing but trouble.
  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 61
    @jc26 change provider as soon as you can, Eon next are terrible, they need to go under. This energy company is nothing but trouble.

    Not really very helpful when you consider when the post was made. 🤔

    As with all these issues of customers suffering a one-off ridiculously high electricity/gas bill the advice given in the earlier post in this thread HERE gets my 👍
    Last edited by Mailman; 28-02-24 at 17:52.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    we have another thread running with a similar issue but on a gas meter. Using an app like bright should enable yo to eventually download a .csv file of your daily readings stretching way back. You will then be able to pinpoint the likely cause of the issue.
    you may well feel that Eon Next should do this themselves given it looks an obvious error. If they refuse to do so and you do have to collect the evidence yourself, that will be evidence for a complaint that might end up with the ombudsman, if common sense doesn't prevail.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • Meterman's Avatar
    Level 1
    @jc26 I had a similar issue twice last year and both after after the Meter Readings were taken by Morrisons for EON, on both occasions the bill went from credit to Debit of around £5000, the October one was over £5000. Last October I was told it was because EON had added the Smart Meter electricity reading to my old meter which was removed nearly 12 months before. Eventually it was resolved and was told by an advisor it would never happen again. Guess what here we are again only this time the account for last month shows random debits and credits going back to 2022 and thats on a statement for January-February this year. I suspect your problems may be a similar cause.
    Last edited by Meterman; 29-02-24 at 09:49.
  • Meterman's Avatar
    Level 1

    I've just had my bill through and my electric bill in a month has gone up to £2000. The last meter readings I have submitted were 1514, 1518, 1524. There is no way in a month we (2 people in 1 bed flat with gas cooking and heating) have used £2000 worth of energy - in fact, impossible that we have.

    Is this just a glitch with eon or the system? Worried that they could adjust the bill to the outstanding amount for next month which would be ridiculous.

    Help and advice please!

    Please see my post here https://community.eonnext.com/thread...ll=1#post48223 This may be the reason but you will struggle with EON to come to terms with the mistakes they are making.
  • energysaving009's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi there, are you regularly submitting meter readings? Are you getting estimated? It could potentially be a catch up bill which is when they are estimating your usage (because they haven’t had a reading) and then a customer manually submits a reading which is then a lot higher than eons estimates ‘underestimating’ it is called, so now the 2000 is a catch up bill if that makes sense? Have no idea though I’d give them a call
  • jcamposgranado's Avatar
    Level 5
    @jc26 I am in the same situation, but they have charged me £15000 of electricity!!! It is the consume of more than 10 years! And I have been living at my current address with EON Next only 4 years. We are only 2 in a house. And it is the second time they do this mistake. I am trying to get in touch with them, but they don't reply my emails and they have notified me I have to pay a direct debit of £966!! I am also asking for help to get this sorted out as soon as possible