I am on an Economy7 tariff as I use night storage heaters. This gives me 7 hours electricity charged at a low rate within a 24 hour period; my storage heaters are wired directly to this meter and charge during the Low rate period.
My bills give the code 811 for the Low rate hours (00.30-07.30) BUT a sticker on my meter gives the Low rate hours as 22.30- 00.30 and 2.30-7.30. EON.Next have now told me the code on my bill is incorrect (given to them when they took over my EON account) and the times on my meter are correct.
On this basis, they estimate I have been under-billed and there is a shortfall of over £3000 on my account (dating back to Nov 2021 when EON.Next took over from EON). Despite several requests, they will not explain why or how the exact hours the Low rate is applied affects my bill. Nor how they have calculated this shortfall. Can anyone help to explain this? Many thanks.