Smart electric meter not eligible for smart Gas meter

  • Doc's Avatar
    Level 1

    I have a smart electric meter in my home.
    I’ve asked for a smart gas meter but the team say that they can’t fit a smart gas meter and can’t tell me why. We have mobile phone coverage and we’ve completely remodelled the house with the gas meter in a box on the outside of the house.

    any ideas how I can get them to fit a gas meter?

    also could anyone tell me how to get the in home monitor for a smart meter. The previous owner must have taken it with him when he moved out.

  • 2 Replies

  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    What they're really saying is they don't want to bother fitting the smart gas meter. Your meter being outside will probably have difficulty making contact with the Communications hub attached to your electricity meter, through which the smart functionality would have to be routed.

    I f your meter failed for any reason, it would hive to be replaced by a smart meter - they don't install traditional meters any more, but it might well work just as a traditional meter, with no smart functionality. This is the unpublicised reality of so called smart meters.

    You can buy an in home monitor - they're circa £60. i think. Don't buy a used one from eBay as they are paired to just one communications hub, and it would not work with yours. Nor will the one removed by the previous owners work in their new home for the same reason. See if they'll send it back to you.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • Doc's Avatar
    Level 1
    Thanks that’s the clearest explanation I’ve had! Much appreciated