Not seeing gas usage on IHD

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  • EddieC's Avatar
    Level 5
    Hello to anyone who may be able to help -

    I moved into a house in April and the house had an IHD already here, but the gas price read as 32p daily. I reached out to customer care and they said the IHD must be faulty and that I would need to buy one they reccomend (ivie bud), I have recently bought one and it is displaying the same thing 32p daily !

    I have troubleshooted with the ivie bud team (reset the device, waited 48h, placed it next to the smart meter and so on) but all to no avail. I have even downloaded numerous apps to try and get the info displayed to me -

    I first off got the loop app which actually worked for a few weeks but stopped showing me gas data 4th Dec, then I got the bright app which does not show me any gas data and finally the ivie bud app which shows gas usage at 32p daily but I can see specific hourly charges but this isn't being added up and resets to 32p each day.

    i have contacted eon next numerous times and each time they just palm me off with - we are recieving the data so we can't see an issue. I feel like I'm going around in circles and not sure what more I can do to get this data visible to me.

    it may seem like a small issue but it's quite difficult to budget at these difficult times without knowing how much gas we are using and feel like we are going to keep getting huge bills as we can't track usage.

    Can anyone advise a way forward for this issue?


  • 16 Replies

  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    Use the IHD to simply display the meter readings in kWh. You know your gas and electricity tariffs and your standing charges so it's very easy to track usage and costs using simple maths and a pencil and paper, or even a simple spreadsheet.

    Is that 32p a day every day just the standing charge? It sounds like it's racking up something, but maybe you aren't displaying the right screen on your IHD?

    Most folk will tell you that the IHD usually lies like a carpet and should only be used as a 'guide', or better still, a way of just displaying meter readings and use those readings to accurately track your usage yourself.

    That's what the rest of us without smart meters do, and several of us manage to track our usage to the penny so never have any surprises at billing time.
    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • EddieC's Avatar
    Level 5
    @retrotecchie hey!

    Thanks for getting back to me - yes I belive the 32p is just a standing charge but the issue is, is that it is just saying 0kw/h used so I don't get the metrics for gas to even multiply this by my price per hour. ive clicked every option (days / weeks / months / years) and they all just have multiples of 32p added up (week is 7x 32p for example)

    I'm not sure how to add an image on here but I can see electricity usage in value and then click and see how many units that is.

    I'd be happy just getting the value in kw/h but im not even getting that info so I'm blind yo gas usage ( electric is to the 10 mins so very accurate)

  • EddieC's Avatar
    Level 5
    Name:  Screenshot_20231228_124311_ivie.jpg
Views: 2320
Size:  17.6 KB
    I seem to have been able to upload when I am in landscape mode as I couldn't see the icon in portrait - I am just uploading some images to illustrate what I am seeing on the ivie bud app - please see at the top 32p but then below hour by hour i see individual prices for each hour but this info disapears daily and im left with 32p recorded for that day
  • WizzyWigg's Avatar
    Level 86

    I know it's crazy when these IHDs don't do what we want. My setup is an old SMETS1 one, which works when it feels like it. I'm afraid if Eon Next can read your meters and issue you with a monthly statement or if necessary you can read the meters manually and submit the readings through your online account then that's really it.
    As @retrotecchie says if you can switch your display from £ to KWh and monitor usage that way using pen and paper or spreadsheet. I find it's way more accurate than any IHD or app.
  • WizzyWigg's Avatar
    Level 86
    @retrotecchie hey!

    Thanks for getting back to me - yes I belive the 32p is just a standing charge but the issue is, is that it is just saying 0kw/h used so I don't get the metrics for gas to even multiply this by my price per hour. ive clicked every option (days / weeks / months / years) and they all just have multiples of 32p added up (week is 7x 32p for example)

    I'm not sure how to add an image on here but I can see electricity usage in value and then click and see how many units that is.

    I'd be happy just getting the value in kw/h but im not even getting that info so I'm blind yo gas usage ( electric is to the 10 mins so very accurate)
    Hi just seen your latest posts. This thread (Sorry it's a long one) might give you some clues to what to do.
    Absolutely no guarantees though.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91
    Can you read the meter directly? Treat the IHD as an aid, no more than that, and an imperfect one at that. The ads are misleading as they focus on the IHD and it’s benefits, whereas the reality is that they’re a mere, largely irrelevant, add on in the eyes of suppliers.

    providing the readings from the meter are available then you’ll get little help from Eon Next.

    if the meter isn’t recording consumption then it needs replacing.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • EddieC's Avatar
    Level 5
    @meldrewreborn hey I can read the meter but it's buried in the corner of my garage so not ideal to be reading that daily. I'm just so confused as to why the brand new ihd and multiple apps are all saying the same issue - surley its something wrong eon next side
  • EddieC's Avatar
    Level 5
    So after waiting for eon next to reply for 3 days I get this reply

    "Hi Edward

    It's Rehana here 👋. Happy new year ✨
    Unfortunately I do not have good news 😞.
    The smart metering was unable to rejoin the IHD.
    We are receiving smart remote reads so your meters are communicating as they should just your ihd is not connecting.

    The In Home Display is essentially a free gift from the energy supplier to say thank you for letting us install smart meters.
    We only provide a 12 month warranty for the IHD and will not replace them if they fail after the 12 months and are not obliged to replace them.

    Your IHD is only actually an aid to monitor consumption, it is not designed to provide you with energy costs or to replace actual bills.
    The information about price is only a guide and should not be treated as exact as it can vary due to communication issues, it might not include daily standing charges or VAT which is why they are only there to aid in energy use and not to be used to calculate costs.
    There is an option to purchase a new IHD, we have now launched our partnership with Chameleon Technology with the Ivie Bud display unit. If you pop over to, you'll be able to check out all the details to get your hands on a new IHD.

    Alternatively, there are some amazing apps that you can download to manage your energy usage. These include the iviebud, Hildebrand Bright, Loop and the Chameleon Integration with Samsung SmartThings."

    And after replying that I have stated numerous times that I have bought a brand new ihd and downloaded all of the apps that all show the same error they send this

    "Yes I'm sorry I have heard you and I'm not trying to anger you further.
    I raised this to get it resolved for you and unfortunately it's what has come back from the metering team.
    As you have the Iviebud which I'm also aware you have reached out to them, please can I ask you get back to them to explain the smart team were unable to rejoin the IHD and they should see what they can do as a resolution."

    Basically saying it's not their issue even though I have been back to the ivie bud team numerous times and they stated the system is fine and should take it up with eon !!

    I'm losing the will here