My complaint to O2

  • Connor_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    @meldrewreborn It's nice to see it worked out in the end, I'm with o2 and raised a complaint because they didn't add the o2 refresh to my contract - well lets just say that took some going back and forth and still hasn't been sorted. Might have to hold out and go to the Ombudsman as you did, hopefully it's as straightforward.
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  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    they even paid the compensation to me (labelled “goodwill”)the very same day -within hours. Pity they don’t have the same attitude within complaints where the only option for me was to email - which they then totally ignored, many times.
    The ombudsman route was quite painless - I recommend it to all.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • Connor_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    @meldrewreborn That's a pretty quick turnaround, I better get on it. Fingers crossed for a good outcome
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91
    So Capital one have now settled my complaint. Basically my automatic direct debit for "paying off in full" as recommended by Martin Lewis, had run out through no use of the credit card in over 13 Months. But then i had to use the card- because I'd mislaid (lost!) my normal card and needed to make a purchase. So then I had to set up the direct debit anew. Their recommendation was to use their mobile app, but I don't use financial apps on my phone, in case i ever lost it. Yes I know many would say i lost "it " years ago.

    But it turns out that there is a problem in their back office and their system cannot recognise a sort code and account number combination if you try to set up the DD over the phone - which is what i was trying to do. Several attempts, being cut off hanging on while front line operator made contact with back office etc etc. So I made a complaint. This has been settled today and another £100 paid out to me. I don't do this (complaining) for an income stream but purely to get companies to improve their service, by making bad service less economic for them.

    Two more complaints still open - Qantas cancelled by booking on the direct flight back from Perth to Heathrow in December, instead travelling via Doha on a longer journey, and my claim against them is over £600.

    EDF mucked up my DD review still waiting for news from them.
  • WizzyWigg's Avatar
    Level 86
    Evening @meldrewreborn did you see this today?

    It popped into my mailbox this evening and I thought of you 😉.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91
    It’s interesting that that is a report from OFCOM whereas I went to the communications ombudsman. I’d need to look into the processes and methodology to understand the differences in approach. But to me for Virgin media and O2 to come out badly suggests a commonality of approach in that they don’t deal with complaints properly. I’ve no problem continuing to deal with O2 in that knowledge- I know I can eventually be compensated for their bad service, and I can be patient when getting fair treatment. I lost a holiday at the start of Covid when the shutters came down and the travel agency, Barrhead Travel went incommunicado and I struggled to get my money back, section 75 didn’t help but credit card chargeback eventually succeeded. But I will never deal with them again, there isn’t an effective ombudsman service in the travel industry I think. Section 75 falls down when there’s an intermediary between the customer and the holiday supplier, like a travel agent. Book direct if you can, it’s safer.
  • WizzyWigg's Avatar
    Level 86
    @meldrewreborn I totally agree with you ref booking holidays. Section 75 was not helpful and neither was the travel agent when Covid hit. Saying that the operator wasn't great either.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91
    Good news!! Qantas have settled my complaint and are refunding £30 for the leg room seat that I didn't get, and US$ 800 for bumping us from our direct flight Perth/London. Also 20,000 air mile each.

    Quite why US$ I don't know but they've converted it at the exchange rate from 14 December 2023, but it means I get £636.75, whereas my claim was for just £600.

    Because Qantas had previously made derisory offers had initiated a claim via credit card charge back, but was keeping section 75 in my back pocket. So 2 weeks into the process, suddenly Qantas see sense and make the offer they should have done straight away. I'd also claimed £30 for a small meal in the airport due to the later flight, but without the receipt (credit card statement doesn't wash) they are not currently interested. So although I'll abandon my credit card charge back for the other matters, I'll continue with the claim for meals. If they treated customers like me better, they'd generate good will. But probably playing hard ball costs them less in cash terms because many would give up.

    Moral - dig your heals in and take claims all the way.