Please be Rational.
When is 156% saving not enough
On the positive side I can still remember my times table. On the negative side it's frightening what results from using the "Proof by Induction" . 👽 -
If I was going to be a number I'd like to think of myself as 'perfect' 😎 although some/many might think that 'irrational' might suit me better 😬
And j is used ad nauseum in power engineering equations, usually with plenty of ω (lower case omega) thrown in for good measure. Most folks think in the time domain whereas complex numbers are used in the frequency domain. Then when frequency domain transfer functions really start to do your head in, up pop poles and zeros and Laplace transformations. the Laplace domain, anything is possible....including power reductions of over 100%. So maybe the numbers aren't calculated in the time domain but in the frequency domain or Laplace space? There's a thought...Last edited by retrotecchie; 03-12-23 at 10:48.
Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons. -
If I was a number, I'd be a fraction with a numerator bigger than the denominator. We all have our imperfections 🤣🤣🤣🤣 -
Confusing imaginary numbers in the real world:
1. i in mathematics, the square root of -1.
2. j in engineering, the square root of -1.
3. EAC, a number used by E.On, usually picked out of thin air, to guestimate how to manipulate the monthly DD level.
4. RV, or Retrotecchie's Variable. The time taken to do any given task divided by the estimate of time needed. A very complex area of mathematics and one that can't easily be explained to the average friend or neighbour who asks if you can 'lend them a hand for half an hour'...
I did a job for a friend once that had an RV value approaching 50. I thought half an took twenty four hours solid! I much prefer jobs with RV≦1 🤣🤣🤣👍Last edited by retrotecchie; 03-12-23 at 12:29.
Or eon-next times everything by 10. Would explain why after a year of smart meter they still think I'm going to use twice as much electricity as I did last year. They get to keep my money until I leave or hassle them enough to get it back
Thus if RV<1 , then √RV<1 = j . (Or as I know it i).
QED 😂👾👽👻. Total rubbish as assuming there is nothing positive below 1. 😵👽Last edited by WizzyWigg; 03-12-23 at 13:06.